The Starbucks mobile app is essential for coffee-drinkers around the world. The official app allows users to store gift card to the coffee shop and gain 'stars' for every purchase they make, aiming towards a free cup of Joe, as well as other rewards.
Strabucks' Chief Digital Officer Adam Brotman met with Recode's Jason Del Ray this week, reporting that Starbucks-goers will soon be able to order coffee right within the mobile app, and pick it up when it's ready. The coffee tycoon has stated in the past that nearly 15% of it's customers use the Starbucks app to purchase drinks.
Via Recode:
"The Seattle-based coffee giant, which said in March that more than 14 percent of purchases in its U.S. stores are paid for through its app, will allow customers in one undisclosed geographic test market to start placing pickup orders from the Starbucks app later this year, according to the company’s Chief Digital Officer Adam Brotman. This should not be confused as an experiment, Brotman made clear. Starbucks is determined to eventually roll out the technology nationwide, no matter how long it takes."
Starbucks claims that the feature will go into testing at a limited amount of Starbucks locations soon, since the process needs to be "just right", that way customers won't leave with cold beverages.
The Starbucks app can store all of your gift cards as well as earn you points towards rewards, probably the best way to purchase coffee if you're a frequent customer. Those of you who haven't acquired the app yet can grab it free-of-charge in the App Store.