Stay away from sprint

Stay away from sprint

I guess it depends on where you're located as to whether or not you have problems.
Switched to Verizon from sprint. Couldn't be happier. Call quality is a million times better, I can actually use the Internet because it's so much faster, and I literally have LTE everywhere I go. I hardly saw the LTE logo on sprint. Main reason for switching was dropped calls and call quality though. I would have 3-4 bars on sprint and the person is be talking to would cut out all the time. Now on even one bar on Verizon I can hear them clearly. It's awesome. And I'm paying less for the exact same plan with a new iPhone 6.

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As someone who has had everyone. It all depends on the area you live in. Sprint is great in the south and big cities. T-mobile isn't bad in big cities. AT&T just has call quality problems that I could never get over. Verizon is great if you can get their service. There are still some spots Verizon doesn't cover. Most days though there are more places with wifi then aren't. I always defer to wifi over cell coverage.

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I realize this is an old thread but I had to say I could not be happier with Sprint in Portland OR.
iPhone 6+


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