I've used Blackberry, Android and Apple phones. There is no comparison. The iPhones and iOS are so smooth and just fricking work! No battery pulls, no resets, no frozen/locked up apps. I Was just reading the Android Central forum about the SSG3. I don't care what version of android you are using it cannot be compared to ios - period. I do like android I have. SGT 10.1 and really like it; but it is nooooo iPad! Not even in the same league. Android fans (which I am) just need to compare android to android. Comparing android to apple is like - ok I'll say it - comparing apples to oranges. Two completely different machines. I can't wait for the iPhone 5 and ios6. I'm sure there will be a few bumps for a month or two, but it will still be light years ahead of android and windows for that matter.
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