Yeah to each their own.. paying yearly vs paying a one off fee and having the space there, the one advantage i like is having a backup in the cloud and being able to restore to that backup so easily. But its the same with buying the phone and most people get it on contract and pay monthly but i just buy the phone at full price unlocked from apple rather then paying it monthly.. The price difference between the 16 and 64GB is less then 200 here and even though its much more then the 25 or so you pay yearly there are advantages and disadvantages to both ways and maybe one day ill try it that way paying yearly as well as it saving me a bit of cash.
ios 6 is today and just two more days until the iphone 5 gets here
I got my nano sim activated and being used on my iphone 4
ios 6 is today and just two more days until the iphone 5 gets here