transfer of apps errors "you do not have enough access privileges for this operation.

transfer of apps errors "you do not have enough access privileges for this operation.


New Member
Thread Starter
Nov 11, 2011
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Well, the wording below tells the tale. Sorry, the 'paste' of the screenshot made the post too big for the forum...

"The iPhone "Phyllis' iPhone" cannot be synced. You do not have enough access privileges for this operation."

We have never been able to 'properly' back up my wife's 3g.. seems to have difficulty with the windoze apps it's trying to save contacts to. We always get the message that it is updating too many of them...

Logged in with her userid/pw and with 'Administrator' authority.

Tonight after some success with my new 4S, we plugged in my wife's iphone (after logging in to HER userid on the PC).. brought up iTunes.. plugged in the phone and iTunes immediately went into 'upgrade' banshee mode... after the upgrade completed, (it said it did a 'backup'... and you can see the files on the pc).. it updated most of the contacts.

Now when I try to 'sync', there is a mismatch on the windoze mail app contact list and it wants to blast all the windoze info to the iPhone..

The message below follows an earlier message stating there are apps on the iPhone we need to move off to the pc so that we don't lose them... but, all the apps came FROM iTunes and AppleApp store...

If you are still reading... I applaud your tenacity... and hope you have a recommendation other than using it at the skeet range.

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