Translucent icons + no top/bottom black bar at lock screen

Translucent icons + no top/bottom black bar at lock screen


New Member
Thread Starter
Oct 10, 2010
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Hey everyone, I'm looking to do two simple things to my iPhone 4, running 4.1, jailbroken 2 hours ago with limera1n:

1) Make all my application icons translucent
2) Get rid of the top/bottom black bar on the lock screen

I've spent an hour monkeying around with themes in winterboard that I got through Cydia, but none of them do what they say they do (ie: if I download one that says "clear lock screen", install it, and re-spring in winterboard, all that will change will be that there is no longer the words "slide to unlock" in the slider bar, all else the same).

Can an advanced user reading this spot the noob mistake I'm making?

Muchos gracias
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I hate seeing topics going stale with no replies, because people search these forums looking for answers, and how can they find any unless people post them, so,

I found a way to get the lock screen I wanted:


It's a theme called "Clear Lockscreen 4.0" (exactly like that with the capital letters and spaces).

I'm still working on getting all transparent icons. Does anybody know how to just simply make them transparent versions of themselves, basically exactly what you see when you double-tap the home screen button? Ie:

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I've learnt over the last couple of months that generally this place is pretty lame when it comes to things like this. You would be much better off going over to the Mac Themes forum, they are far better equipped to help you with this kind of thing as they do it all day.

MacThemes Forum / iOS Releases
I've learnt over the last couple of months that generally this place is pretty lame when it comes to things like this. You would be much better off going over to the Mac Themes forum, they are far better equipped to help you with this kind of thing as they do it all day.

MacThemes Forum / iOS Releases

I'm definitely feeling the lameness. Zero replies means there's no one here or they aren't into helping others.

Thanks for the tip, I'll try there. I find it ironic how a 'senior member' is telling me to go to another forum. Take notice, mods!
I've learnt over the last couple of months that generally this place is pretty lame when it comes to things like this. You would be much better off going over to the Mac Themes forum, they are far better equipped to help you with this kind of thing as they do it all day.

MacThemes Forum / iOS Releases

I'm definitely feeling the lameness. Zero replies means there's no one here or they aren't into helping others.

Thanks for the tip, I'll try there. I find it ironic how a 'senior member' is telling me to go to another forum. Take notice, mods!

Lol it's not that no one here won't help you, it's just the simple fact that 95% of this forum (from my experience) don't really know the answers. Not when it comes to modding the phone anyways.

Most of this forum gets taken up with spam and a million questions about whether someone should jailbreak their iphone or not? Or if they can downgrade from this, to that. Or when will the white iphone 4 be out? What case should I buy? Times those questions by about 30 and you'll get an idea of what goes on...

When I got my iPhone and jailbroke it a couple months ago I was mad into modding virtually everything I possibly could, just to learn more about my phone and the way it worked, and to see what I could come up with. This forum just doesn't have enough clued up people on these sorts of things.

Mac themes forum is where I get most of my help.
I has the trans lucenticons. And it was cool for awhile , but it is annoying and hard to see afterawhile. All you do is set the mod in winter board respiring the phone. They still don't show up though. You have to hold down an icon not folder until it wiggles. Then it will go translucent. You then manually touch all apps that you want this to be done to. Be careful as to not hit the x and delete the app. Hth. Gl. :)

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