Trouble restoring iPhone4 from 4.3.5 to 4.3.3

Trouble restoring iPhone4 from 4.3.5 to 4.3.3


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Sep 25, 2011
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Hey guys. I am in need of some help here regarding trying to restore my GSM iPhone4 from 4.3.5 to 4.3.3 or any other previous version...

I was formerly jailbroken and on iOS 4.1. All was awesome until like 3 days ago when one of my favorite apps (Optimum app) wouldn't run because it said that "I was using an unauthorized Apple iOS"...OK, so I deleted the app, reinstalled and still got the same message. I decided to then upgrade my iOS to 4.2.1 thinking that maybe it would run on that iOS. If not, I would continue to upgrade to newer iOS's until it worked. Subsequently, all hell seemed to break loose on my device. I ultimately had to restore to the newest version 4.3.5 simply because I needed to regain use of my phone function. Since then I have realized how really LAME the iPhone4 is if it is not jailbroken! So, I downloaded redsn0w 0.9.9b1 to jailbreak it again but as all of you know, tethered jailbreaks are such a pain in the a**! So here I am looking for help from all of you who clearly are more adept on these issues than I. If you guys could take a moment and respond with your thoughts, comments or a step by step procedure to follow, that would be totally awesome and greatly appreciated. Additionally, I have no problem meeting anyone in order to resolve these issues I am having and would gladly throw you a few bucks for your services. I am located @ 20 mins outside Manhattan, NY. Thanks again guys!

Here is a little background...

I have:
-all my SHSH blobs saved from 4.1-4.3.5
-downloaded all firmware needed
-made custom firmware via Sn0wbreeze
-changed my host files to every different combination that I have come across via YouTube tutorials.
-disabled firewalls
-running as admin(even though I am on XP)

Every time I try to restore I get some sort of error. Error 3914, 1601, 1602, 20 etc...during the process the screen apparently kicks out of DFU and turns white...

I downloaded tinyumbrella, iReb, RecBoot and everything else I have come across. Obviously I am missing something here. Can anyone help!? Thanks!

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