Trying to make my own theme need some help?

Trying to make my own theme need some help?

First of all let me say that I might be completly missing what you're trying to do, so what I'm about to say could be VERY WRONG. If I understand you what you want to do is simply change your lockscreen image? Can't you go into settings>wallpaper>select the wallpaper you want>click select>then select either lockscreen or home screen or both......if this isn't what you're trying to do then I apologize.
Yes, but it doesn't work if you are using a winterboard lockscreen theme.

Its gave me an idea though. Have you tried the theme with the lockscreen images removed from it then set you own? Doubt it will work but worth a try...
No harm in giving advice. It might still help someone else that comes across this thread.

Like I said it gave me an idea...