TUTORIAL - Jailbreak IOS5 using redsn0w for beginners

TUTORIAL - Jailbreak IOS5 using redsn0w for beginners

what link do you use? did you try both links for redsn0w? did you run in admin mode? double check everything as clearly you are doing something wrong we just have to pinpoint what you are doing wrong
what link do you use? did you try both links for redsn0w? did you run in admin mode? double check everything as clearly you are doing something wrong we just have to pinpoint what you are doing wrong

I downloaded both links. I am running in Admin mode too. I have been JB'ing my iPhone for the past year with every new one that comes out with absolutely zero problems. I have no idea why I'm having trouble.
its advised by the devs you restore before using the jailbreak and not OTA so try doing a full restore then doing it and of course always backup before restoring
its advised by the devs you restore before using the jailbreak and not OTA so try doing a full restore then doing it and of course always backup before restoring

I'm ready to blow a gasket now. I just did a restore, set the iPhone up as a new phone, and then ran redsn0w_win_0.9.10b3. Here are the exact steps I am taking.

1.Open the redsn0w_win_0.9.10b3 folder and right clicking on redsn0w.exe and choose run as administrator.
2.This window then pops up:


3.Then I click on Jailbreak.
4.I then put the phone in DFU mode and it says please wait while your build is being identified.
5.The phone then boots to the Apple logo and the phone reboots.
It seems like it's always worth pointing red snow towards the build you want to use. I know it's meant to find it automatically, but it seems like it doesn't always do this. You might as well do it manually to make sure.
Check this blog out theres a article on jailbreaking 5.0.1 and it also has a link to a video tutorial :)
If you guys need any help just email them or comment on the video I emailed the blog and I got fast responses hope this clears and helps you guys !!

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Susiiee16 said:
Check this blog out theres a article on jailbreaking 5.0.1 and it also has a link to a video tutorial :)
If you guys need any help just email them or comment on the video I emailed the blog and I got fast responses hope this clears and helps you guys !!


Depends what the link is..^^
Depends what the link is..^^

We do not allow external links on this forum, period. Not in your posts and not in your signature. A rare exception to that rule would be a news post that hasn't yet been mentioned here. Nothing on the website you keep reposting has any information that is not already readily available here. Please do not post it again or further action will be taken.
My install of "redsn0w_win_0.9.10b3" or the "redsn0w_win_0.9.10b3_novcheck" does not seem to work to JB my iPhone 3GS. Neither program will enable the NEXT button at the initial screen (see screen shot) and then go on the next sreeen to prompt me to put the phone in DFU mode to start the jailbreak. Oddly enough, however, the previous version "redsn0w_win_0.9.9b6" DOES recognize iphone in DFU mode but of course it is the wrong JB for 5.0.1 and ultimately tells me so after checking...

I am running Windows 7 64bit and have disabled my AVAST antivirus. Anybody got any suggestions?




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i have 4.3.4 can i update firmware directly to 5.0.1,
or should i need to update 4.3.5 and 5.0 before 5.0.1

I m using my friends Iphone 3gs,
1. how can i identify whether this phone is Factory unlocked or software unlocked?
2. If i have factory unlocked phone and i did update to latest firmware , my phone will be locked ?

please answer ..
Thank you..

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