.. I've Donne everything that I could think off... Double hard reset..re-jailbreak with the latest redsn0w 9.b4...even delete every single tweak ... But they were all there...settings drop menu...and belive it or not .....WORKING...like if I had a clone or something..had to go back to factory restore in iTunes..and once again.. After install WINTERBOARD everything was running smooth...and kind of trying to confirm my suspicions..installed BARREL..and everything went wrong again...slaggy springboard crashing all the time with 3 tweaks only GRID LOCK,3G UNRESTRICTOR and [a piracy-enabling app].... Back to factory restore( while it's possible) and I've got loads of tweaks with WINTERBOARD and LUSTER HD as theme....NO BARREL this time... and everything is fine so far... I can be wrong about barrel but these are the facts!!!!