Tweaks still working after deletion

Tweaks still working after deletion

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Jan 11, 2012
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After uninstall a few tweaks from cydia..they still show up in settings drop menu..and working still...?????!! they are not in my cydia ..packages is this possible???!!! Any clues??!! Jailbreak iPhone 4 iOS 5.0.1 by the latest b4 redsn0w
zekaralho said:
After uninstall a few tweaks from cydia..they still show up in settings drop menu..and working still...?????!! they are not in my cydia ..packages is this possible???!!! Any clues??!! Jailbreak iPhone 4 iOS 5.0.1 by the latest b4 redsn0w

If you only deleted the SOURCE, the tweaks still will be there.
iMarilina said:
If you only deleted the SOURCE, the tweaks still will be there.

Does that means that I have to delete the repo.??? Never happened before..all my tweaks have always been deleted from the CYDIA packages ....what I have noticed is that this 5.0.1 jailbreak is still full of bugs..and we are being the testers...a small price to pay..for the effort of the hackers..!!!!
zekaralho said:
Does that means that I have to delete the repo.??? Never happened before..all my tweaks have always been deleted from the CYDIA packages ....what I have noticed is that this 5.0.1 jailbreak is still full of bugs..and we are being the testers...a small price to pay..for the effort of the hackers..!!!!

No i mean you need to delete the package. If you just deleted the repo, the tweak would still be there.

What tweak is it that still shows even though you removed it? And did you respring or perform a hard reset? (powering off and rebooting the phone by holding down the power/home buttons ).
Since I've jailbroke my iPhone 4 for the 1 time at 5.0.1 that I'm having loads of problems,incompatibility between tweaks,the buggiest WINTERBOARD ever... It never happened with the previous jailbreaks..but at the same time understood that these new jailbreaks are being rushed to come out without a good testing.. That's why the hackers mentioned that will be better to wait..rather than what's happening and just a few have realised that 5.0.1 unthered jailbreak's still too buggy..!!!
I've Donne all that.. Did not delete the repo but the tweak it self from's no longer there.. One of them was the ALMIGTHY "BARREL" ...other was WINTERBOARD ..and they still show in the settings drop menu..and believe it or not...still working.. Like if I've just deleted a shortcut from CYDIA when actually is quiet the opposit...
Which specific tweaks are you talking about? If we know which ones, maybe we can see if the behavior you see is the same on our jail broken devices...

zekaralho said:
I've Donne all that.. Did not delete the repo but the tweak it self from's no longer there.. One of them was the ALMIGTHY "BARREL" ...other was WINTERBOARD ..and they still show in the settings drop menu..and believe it or not...still working.. Like if I've just deleted a shortcut from CYDIA when actually is quiet the opposit...

That is strange. When you see those in Settings, can you actually get in them? Or they just show there?

As for the jailbreak, if you have not yet done so, download redsn0w 0.9.10b4 (the newest version, ifyou jailbroke with an older version), and redo the process although UNTICKING "install cydia".

Also, try to reinstall and uninstall those tweaka again.
.. I've Donne everything that I could think off... Double hard with the latest redsn0w 9.b4...even delete every single tweak ... But they were all there...settings drop menu...and belive it or not if I had a clone or something..had to go back to factory restore in iTunes..and once again.. After install WINTERBOARD everything was running smooth...and kind of trying to confirm my suspicions..installed BARREL..and everything went wrong again...slaggy springboard crashing all the time with 3 tweaks only GRID LOCK,3G UNRESTRICTOR and [a piracy-enabling app].... Back to factory restore( while it's possible) and I've got loads of tweaks with WINTERBOARD and LUSTER HD as theme....NO BARREL this time... and everything is fine so far... I can be wrong about barrel but these are the facts!!!!
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I didn't have the chance to des install them again ... Cause as I said before.. They weren't there in my CYDIA packages...
.. I've Donne everything that I could think off... Double hard with the latest redsn0w 9.b4...even delete every single tweak ... But they were all there...settings drop menu...and belive it or not if I had a clone or something..had to go back to factory restore in iTunes..and once again.. After install WINTERBOARD everything was running smooth...and kind of trying to confirm my suspicions..installed BARREL..and everything went wrong again...slaggy springboard crashing all the time with 3 tweaks only GRID LOCK,3G UNRESTRICTOR and [a piracy-enabling app].... Back to factory restore( while it's possible) and I've got loads of tweaks with WINTERBOARD and LUSTER HD as theme....NO BARREL this time... and everything is fine so far... I can be wrong about barrel but these are the facts!!!!

There! Right there - that red part I edited out? THAT'S your problem! You are running a piracy enabling app and so that's why your phone is not working properly. And, TBH - serves you right!

This forum does not condone piracy in any way. Not only is it against our rules, it's illegal! Don't be a pirate.

You'll receive no more assistance on this issue and no more discussion.

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