Twitter to launch New Music App

Twitter to launch New Music App


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Jun 18, 2010
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AllThingsD reports that Twitter is about to launch a new music app. In fact, the app is already here, to tie in with the start of the Coachella music festival kicking off in California this weekend, but according to AllThingsD, the app is currently only available to a select group of famous movers and shakers, or “influencers” such as Ryan Seacrest, who was tweeting about the app on Thursday. It sounds like Twitter is using the celebs as beta testers par excellence! For the rest of us non-celebs, AllThingsD says that the app will arrive in the App Store next week, and works by suggesting artists and tracks to you according to various indicators, such as the Twitter accounts that you follow. You will be able to listen to music clips directly from the app, as well as listen to third-party services such as iTunes and SoundCloud, and watch Vevo music videos. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Source:[/FONT] Twitter's New Music App Launches Friday - Mike Isaac and Peter Kafka - Social - AllThingsD
Twitter Tests Music App With Celebrities, Wide Launch Next Week - Peter Kafka - Media - AllThingsD

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