Unable to create Apple Account

Unable to create Apple Account


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Jan 24, 2025
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I am a certified Apple "newbie" who just bought a iPhone 14 running iOS 18.2.1. I am completely confused by the software since an Apple account could not be created using either the phone or the Apple website from a desktop PC but the phone seems to work as advertised. Regardless of what combination of (1) phone # (either cell or landline) and (2) verification method (phone call or text) is entered a meaningless err msg appears that verification is not possible AT THIS TIME (whatever that means). In my humble opinion creating an acct shd be EZ but apparently an active acct is not needed for the device to work (for some unknown reason). Apple tech support has been contacted several times abt this issue but so far so bad. Any suggestions will be GREATLY APPRECIATED.

Bewildered Bob
I am a certified Apple "newbie" who just bought a iPhone 14 running iOS 18.2.1. I am completely confused by the software since an Apple account could not be created using either the phone or the Apple website from a desktop PC but the phone seems to work as advertised. Regardless of what combination of (1) phone # (either cell or landline) and (2) verification method (phone call or text) is entered a meaningless err msg appears that verification is not possible AT THIS TIME (whatever that means). In my humble opinion creating an acct shd be EZ but apparently an active acct is not needed for the device to work (for some unknown reason). Apple tech support has been contacted several times abt this issue but so far so bad. Any suggestions will be GREATLY APPRECIATED.

Bewildered Bob
WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT ?? Today for some unknown reason an Apple acct can be created using a desktop PC. Altho exactly the same data had been entered dozens of times on the PC and also on the phone without success, finally the process is user-friendly and so far apparently works properly.

still Bewildered Bob
Welcome to iPhone Forums!

There were a few problems with iCloud recently, which have been resolved in the meantime. It‘s possible that you were affected.

I‘m glad it finally worked.
Thanx for your reply but it only worked TEMPORARILY. The Apple acct was finally created and successfully accessed ONCE from a desktop PC and also from the iPhone until a "trusted (cell) phone" was added. Now the 2-factor authentication fails when using the PC to access the new acct and requesting a PHONE CALL ON MY LANDLINE (without text capability) with the required verification code. The resulting err msg is meaningless and absolutely no help in resolving this bug. VERY FRUSTRATING SINCE IT WORKED ONCE EARLIER TODAY. Two different PC browsers failed to receive verification code for 2-factor authentication. IMHO 2FA shd be able to be made dormant until it works as advertised or any bugs have been removed.

still very Bewildered Bob
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It sounds as if you have set up the two factor verification code to be received on your iPhone. That will be your mobile number, so you won’t be able to receive the code on your landline as well. You may on the other hand be able to forward text messages from the iPhone (and thus the codes) to other devices.
It sounds as if you have set up the two factor verification code to be received on your iPhone. That will be your mobile number, so you won’t be able to receive the code on your landline as well. You may on the other hand be able to forward text messages from the iPhone (and thus the codes) to other devices.
Hi Caroline: you are correct - 2 factor authentication (2FA) is mandatory for Apple acct users. However when I first tried early today, a phone call ON THE LANDLINE with the required verification code was received. But after adding a "trusted CELL phone #" the intended phone call (voice) failed. IMHO it sounds like a programming bug waiting to be fixed.
Hi Caroline: you are correct - 2 factor authentication (2FA) is mandatory for Apple acct users. However when I first tried early today, a phone call ON THE LANDLINE with the required verification code was received. But after adding a "trusted CELL phone #" the intended phone call (voice) failed. IMHO it sounds like a programming bug waiting to be fixed.
Did you purchase this iPhone new or used? If used, are you sure all info of the previous owner was delete by that owner? I ask because the normal setup for a new iphone is to set up an Apple account on the Iphone or use an alreadymexisting Apple account. The fact that you could make calls despite not being able to set up an Apple ID on the iPhone doesn’t make sense to me otherwise.
Did you purchase this iPhone new or used? If used, are you sure all info of the previous owner was delete by that owner? I ask because the normal setup for a new iphone is to set up an Apple account on the Iphone or use an alreadymexisting Apple account. The fact that you could make calls despite not being able to set up an Apple ID on the iPhone doesn’t make sense to me otherwise.
BEAR7962: you are correct - it makes no sense to me either. The phone was bought NEW but before it was fully operational I tried unsuccessfully to create an Apple acct using my venerable old Windows desktop PC with a lot of help from tech support. After one l-o-n-g and frustrating day (# 1) i gave up since the iPhone finally appeared to function OK but still no Apple acct had been created. For some still unexplained reason and without making any changes AT MY END . My first attempt early on the next day (# 2) to again try to create an acct by receiving the "authentication code" by landline (voice only - no text capability) was SUCCESSFUL. At that time the landline phone # was the ONLY (repeat ONLY) phone # that I had entered. But a tech support rep insisted that a text-capable cell phone # also be entered which I did thinking that the 2 valid phone #s entered would support both request options ('call me' or 'send text'). WRONG - the landline (voice) option no longer works as advertised. IMHO over nite of day # 1 Apple made a change AT THEIR LOCATION which activated the missing 'call me' (voice) capability (possibly only until 9 AM of the following day :-). Also there may be a programming bug that tries to send text msgs to a voice-only landline. In summary - the phone works but the status of my acct is uncertain. NOTHING IS EZ ANY MORE !!

still Bewildered Bob
BEAR7962: you are correct - it makes no sense to me either. The phone was bought NEW but before it was fully operational I tried unsuccessfully to create an Apple acct using my venerable old Windows desktop PC with a lot of help from tech support. After one l-o-n-g and frustrating day (# 1) i gave up since the iPhone finally appeared to function OK but still no Apple acct had been created. For some still unexplained reason and without making any changes AT MY END . My first attempt early on the next day (# 2) to again try to create an acct by receiving the "authentication code" by landline (voice only - no text capability) was SUCCESSFUL. At that time the landline phone # was the ONLY (repeat ONLY) phone # that I had entered. But a tech support rep insisted that a text-capable cell phone # also be entered which I did thinking that the 2 valid phone #s entered would support both request options ('call me' or 'send text'). WRONG - the landline (voice) option no longer works as advertised. IMHO over nite of day # 1 Apple made a change AT THEIR LOCATION which activated the missing 'call me' (voice) capability (possibly only until 9 AM of the following day :-). Also there may be a programming bug that tries to send text msgs to a voice-only landline. In summary - the phone works but the status of my acct is uncertain. NOTHING IS EZ ANY MORE !!

still Bewildered Bob
If you go to Settings on your iPhone and then your account, you should see a section entitled Sign in and Security. Here you should be able to see your trusted devices and trusted phone number. Could you let us know if you see your account there?
If you go to Settings on your iPhone and then your account, you should see a section entitled Sign in and Security. Here you should be able to see your trusted devices and trusted phone number. Could you let us know if you see your account there?
Caroline: redirecting text msgs (verification code) from the iPhone to either my landline or PC sounds like a great work-around. Plz explain. Thanx.

Bewildered Bob

ps: the iPhone is away for a while. Your request will be answered soon.
Caroline: redirecting text msgs (verification code) from the iPhone to either my landline or PC sounds like a great work-around. Plz explain. Thanx.

Bewildered Bob

ps: the iPhone is away for a while. Your request will be answered soon.

The Message forwarding only works with devices signed into your Apple account, such as an iPad, MacBook, etc. You will see the option in Settings under Messages.
If you live close to an Apple Store take the iPhone in and have them set it up with you. You do this on the iPhone, not on your PC. I think your insistence on that being the initial step is confusing matters.
If you live close to an Apple Store take the iPhone in and have them set it up with you. You do this on the iPhone, not on your PC. I think your insistence on that being the initial step is confusing matters.

bear7962 - you wrote: "I think your insistence on that being the initial step is confusing matters." ABSOLUTELY !!! Thanx.​

Bewildered Bob - the PC guy :)

Good luck, let us know how you sort it out.
WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT ??? I can successfully logon to iCloud and receive the 6-digit verification code ON THE LANDLINE (voice only). Apparently there is a MAJOR INCONSISTENCY in how voice responses are implemented among various Apple apps. What is Apple doing to a nice guy like me ??

still Bewildered Bob

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