Untethered iOS 5 JAILBREAK Confirmed For iPhone, iPod Touch, & iPad

Untethered iOS 5 JAILBREAK Confirmed For iPhone, iPod Touch, & iPad


iPhoneForums.net News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA

Last night, @pod2g of the Dev Team tweeted the following message:

"Hey jailbreaking friends, I've found a bug that can untether iOS 5. Don't expect a release soon, but I'm gonna work hard in it."

Ever since we've started to wait for the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Jailbreak people have been wondering whether it would be tethered or untethered. I tethered iPhone 4S or iPad 2 wouldn't be so bad since the battery life has been improved, but what about the other devices?

Well it seems that there is a bug being worked on that will allow for an untethered Jailbreak! The Dev Team is working hard on bringing you this new iOS 5 untethered Jailbreak so please be patient. When it is released, you guys will be the first to know!

Pod2G Twitter:
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will be very happy, I am guessing release will be some time after the release of 5.0.1
Nice, sooo looking fwd to this as I have been screwed since g/f updated my 4.2.8!

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