Verizon annual upgrade - iphone 4

Verizon annual upgrade - iphone 4


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Aug 21, 2011
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My one year anniversary is 8/25/11.
They tell me that on that date I will qualify for my one and only annual upgrade. Use it or lose it as they have discontinued annual upgrades unless you signed your 2 year contract prior to January 2011, which I did.

The upgrade price listed for an iphone 4 is 199.99.

Does anyone here know if that is the price they will charge me for an iphone? I currently have an android smartphone.

I am considering waiting for an iphone 5, but the new features don't really mean that much to me.

Can anyone here confirm that I will be eligible on my one year anniversary date for an iphone at 199.99?

I called Verizon customer service but all they would tell me is to check back with them on 8/25. They would neither confirm nor deny.
If your up for an upgrade on the 25th, you can get what ever phone you want witch means the iphone 4 or 5. Im not sure on the price of the 5 but the 4 would be $199.00 for the 16gb and $299.00 for the 32gb but they may discount the the iphone 4 when the iphone 5 hits in October
I verified yesterday that I am now eleigible for an iphone 4 for the upgrade price of $199.00.
I think i'll wait until the iphone 5 is announced.
At the very least I think that they'll drop the price of the iphone 4.
Not sure what the introductory price of the iphone 5 will be.
Rumor has it that the iphone 5 32gig will be avail for $199.00 but who knows.

just make sure what you get this time your going to want to keep it for close to two years.

Verizon got rid of the annual upgrade program you must now complete at minimum 20 of 24 months before you can upgrade.

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