Verizon on states, GSM when not

Verizon on states, GSM when not


Thread Starter
Mar 11, 2011
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I have been on Verizon for a long time Verizon and just added a iPhone4s to my account.
I requested them to unlock it for when I travel abroad which is usually 2 or 3 times a year.
Anyway I was wondering since its GSM unlocked if I insert a AT&T, or T-Mo sim card if it would work here as well?
I searched for an answer but didn't find one for a Verizon (CDMA) device.

Anyone know of this would work and if so do I need a full account (not really my pref) or would a prepaid work?

I have always wondered this same thing as well
ell I am just so glad that so many ppl commented.
Is this such a tough question????
I thought there would be a lot of ppl on this.
I think the concept of forums have seen there better day.
I remember when you would post a thread and within seconds there would be multi reply's.
Oh well

Dude... the whole "World Phone" iPhone is a new thing to all of us. Thus, no one really knows the exact answer. Yes, the Verizon/Sprint 4S' have a GSM slot... but as far as the details it's still up in the air.
With my experience with other world phones, it wont work on GSM in the states. Something to do with how it is programmed in relation to available networks or something. However, since it's a new phone, who knows...

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n0m0n said:
ell I am just so glad that so many ppl commented.
Is this such a tough question????
I thought there would be a lot of ppl on this.
I think the concept of forums have seen there better day.
I remember when you would post a thread and within seconds there would be multi reply's.
Oh well


I love your signature PETA too funny.

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