Just to give you a quick reply to re-assert your initial interest in the Iphone. I just jumped from Droid X to Iphone 4 and can tell you there are pros and cons as with all things. However, the iphone 4 is exceptionally well built and will only get even better with newer apps and ios upgrades. The Droid is much faster on the internet side than the iphone 4 (Verizon), trade off is that the HD camera and video recorder is much better on the Iphone 4. There's plenty of new things on the iphone that made it worth the switch, but as beauty is in the eye of the holder, so is the iphone/Droids.
I especially recommend getting a mophie juice air pack (had to go to the dreaded AT&T store to get mine, but worth it) This really gives you the extra gas when your batteries go bye-bye. I hope that helps.