It uses more unless you shut down processes on the laptop so not everything is running in the background except antivirus. And your antivirus really doesn't use that much. Also depends on what you are going to be doing on the computer. Web pages will use more data because it's loading full pages, not just a simplified mobile site or app. I have sprint unlimited so I don't really track my data. I did once though when I had virgin mobile and an android phone. I rooted and hotspot it and would watch Netflix on my Xbox 360. One full movie was about 750mb-1gb if I remember correctly. I used 42gb of data that month.. Shortly after that, Virgin started capping their data speeds because everyone would get their cheapest plan which was $25 and had unlimited text/data and 300 mins. So basically you had Internet and a phone for $25 and everyone would tether and hotspot the crap out of it. I hope that doesn't happen to sprint too. I'm on my phone all the time and use about 7gb a month
Sent from my Sprint iPhone 4