Virgin Mobile USA Confirms Prepaid iPhone

Virgin Mobile USA Confirms Prepaid iPhone


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Jun 18, 2010
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9to5 Mac reports that following on from reports earlier in the week, Virgin Mobile USA has announced that it will be offering the iPhone to customers on a prepaid basis from June 29, in honour of its 10th birthday celebrations. From that date, Virgin Mobile USA customers will be able to purchase a $30-per-month Beyond Talk unlimited data plan, which is excellent value, even with the data plan being throttled at 2.5GB. In order to get the plan, you’ll have to register for automatic monthly payments on the Sprint Nationwide Network, although 9to5 Mac says that you can cancel the plan whenever you want. The iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S handsets will cost exactly the same to purchase from Virgin Mobile USA as they would if you got them directly from Apple, i.e., $649 for the 16GB iPhone 4S, and $549 for the iPhone 4 8GB model.

Virgin to carry iPhone with $30/month unlimited data prepaid plan beginning June 29 | 9to5Mac | Apple Intelligence

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