gottasrt4 said:sure, different languages, but malware's becoming increasingly prevalent in the mobile sector, especially for Android. so far the most common attack vector is a Trojan embedded in a fake app. It is interesting how Apple's not affected...but I've attributed it to a single app store and a closed architecture.
That's exactly why Apple isn't affected. They review every app that comes through. Android let's apps run wild, then has to go look for the malicious app when reported and remove it. That's a downside to the "open app market".
iHolophyte said:Exactly. And let's hope apple never change this.
Sent from my iPhone 4 iOS 5 using Tapatalk
I assure you they won't. Apple is a control freak with their products. !
iHolophyte said:Control freak is good sometimes then dde04 ha ha
Sent from my iPhone 4 iOS 5 using Tapatalk
My favourite quote from another member,
The worst thing about apple is that it is closed, the best thing about apple is that it's closed. The best thing about android is that it's open, the worst thing about android is that it's open...