* Warning * Lifeproof Case - Missing Gasket - See Photo, Or else buying a new phone

* Warning * Lifeproof Case - Missing Gasket - See Photo, Or else buying a new phone


Thread Starter
Aug 31, 2011
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$missing speaker gasket on speaker.webp

Sorry for the poor quality of the picture.

This is a warning to all who love and trust your lifeproof case. Some of you my not have the time to read through all the post to discover this.

Thsi gasket fault is not a flaw, you can damage your case by just taking it out for normal cleaning if you're not careful.

In the picture you will see the charge port and the two speaker ports looking down with the charge port pointed away from you. On the left side you can see the gasket is installed. However on the right you will see that the gasket is missing!
This happed to me while showing a friend how the case works. I guess while I put the phone back in case I wasn't careful enough to notice that the gasket was ripped off.
Without the gasket water can enter the phone through the port = Iphone failure.

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