It seems as if they've spent more time, effort and money into stonewalling you than it would have cost to simply replace your phone. Maybe they think that if they keep asking you to jump through enough hoops for them, you'll tire of the process and go quietly away. Some companies just don't like customers who insist on standing up for their rights. I hope you manage to make them see the error of their ways.
Very well written scifan. I agree 100%. I've had a customer service whirlwind with Verizon in the past myself.
Back when the Verizon iPhone 4 was releasing, Verizon was insisting that I couldn't use my upgrade on this phone (why, I have no idea), but it took me 1 week of phone calls with rep after rep.
Finally, I've had enough of Verizon's "shenanigans". I told the rep I was on the phone with to transfer me to their supervisor. After that supervisor insisted on arguing with me, I demanded to speak to their boss. Well, after speaking with this Verizon employee, they finally dug into my account and realized there was an error in their systems and gave me my upgrade plus $50 off my next bill for my troubles.
It was ridiculous that I had to go to such great links to solve a seemingly simple issue, but perseverance paid off and the end result was very rewarding.
Phil, keep badgering them until they give you the service you deserve. They work for you. Not the other way around.