We Apple allow copy&past with iOS9?

We Apple allow copy&past with iOS9?

I'm new to iPhone so I get it digitalcuriosity. You didn't realize a new app was needed. Now you know. I get frustrated with the apple way of doing things a tad as well.

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No i knew it needed an App. to not have to deal with Apples iTunes program. I just did not know the best one to get. AirVideo sure was not it,but AirMore was the ideal App.
Yes you can copy and paste. In windows connect your iPhone. Goto iPhone in My computer and there paste your file in DCIM folder in iPhone.

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Yes you can copy and paste. In windows connect your iPhone. Goto iPhone in My computer and there paste your file in DCIM folder in iPhone.

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What i was wanting to do is transfer files from my computer to my phone. I understand i can copy and past files from phone to computer.
Yes it is possible but only with certain apps like vlc and shareit. These apps let you transfer files from my computer to my phone.

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Yes it is possible but only with certain apps like vlc and shareit. These apps let you transfer files from my computer to my phone.

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I have started using airmore airmore.com the App. is free for now at the Apple Store. As long as both iPhone and Computer are on the same WiFi.