We need adobe from apple!

We need adobe from apple!


New Member
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Jun 8, 2011
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iPhones don't have adobe flash player?? And this is the most used thing to watch important videos related to researching health info and how-to videos ranging from simple how tos and self-improvement how-tos, which are important due to the internet's awesome ability to teach us, while saving money from going to therapists and nutritionists and doctors! ALL DROID/ANDROID PHONES HAVE ADOBE FLASH PLAYER. We need it bc iPhone is the best phone out and most convenient phone ever for several reasons. Adobe is the ONLY discrepancy I encountered. Let's please post and demand in a positive way to allow and get it on our new iPhone 4's, which should've had it being Apple's newest technology for its phone. Thank you for listening n I hope you agree :). I love to use my phone for Internet, of course I own laptop but prefer my phone with busy life of out n about! :)

Personally I have never missed flash on the iPhone. Unfortunately is probably never going to happen as apple and adobe have fell out. Lol. There are a few apps like skyfire (appstore) and frash (cydia) that bring flash to the iphone...
Ok, well I tried Cydia. Didn't work for the specific page. We'll see in the future.
Thank you! I didn't know they fell out. Lol so appreciate the info! :)
Try to get atomic browser or skyfire browser from the app store. You might be able to open your website using anyone of those browser, as from frash, it doesn't work on the iOS 4X

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