Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

Hello everyone,i got my iphone 4 like 2 months ago and now i got a newer one,since apple replace my broken iphone that had a restore error,the 2 months old iphone was jailbroken and now im thinking about jailbreaking my 2nd new iphone,which jailbreak would be the best and safe,im kinda afraid bcuz of what i've gone through,cuz i jailbreaked before and suddenly my iphone pops up an alert "Restore Needed" i tried to restore and bunch of errors came up,i had to go to the service provider where i bought my iphone and try to restore there and still,error came up,luckily they didnt know i jailbreaked and decided to give me a new replacement iphone,so im kinda scared to jailbreak again,so what should i do
iPhone4Forum.net is a friendly community dedicated to the all the latest and greatest iPhone from Apple, the iPhone 4.

Our goal is to be the place to go to when you have iPhone 4 questions or problems.

To keep the place friendly, we ask that every new member post up an introduction thread letting us know a little bit about themselves, their current (and future) cell phones, etc.

Please help us keep this site friendly and informative! Thanks in advance.
Hi I'm Ryan and I just bought my iPhone 4 yesterday and I'm wondering does and how this dragon dictation work and how do I install it
Hi everyone I'm Ryan and I bought my iPhone 4 yesterday and trying learn as much as I can about my phone would appreciate help on how to install and use dragon dictation
Hi everyone I'm Ryan and I bought my iPhone 4 yesterday and trying learn as much as I can about my phone would appreciate help on how to install and use dragon dictation

You can either download it from your phone in the App Store or download it from Itunes and then sync your phone. Once you have it installed and begin using it you will find it is pretty self explainable and very easy to use.
im still waiting for my new iphone4 dont know when they will contact me. anyway nice to know you all. have a nice day
Just got my phone 4days ago but have had the iPad for several mouths. Have been a blackberry user for years and still like last one storm2 on AT&T but it was upgrade time and wanted to give this a try, read that the iphone4 32 had a really good csi rating so here we go
hi guys.
im from the philippines.

just upgraded my SE phone to iPhone4
been using Mac products since the 1st nano came out
i have the 3 gens of itouches except for the ipt4
since then i fell in love with the apple
but it was only now that i got myself an iPhone

i do hope to learn from all you and expand my knowledge
in the iphone world community

by the way im using a 16Gb iphone 4
unlock to be used in a carrier i want here in my country
but i havent jailbroken it yet.

not that i dunno how to do it (because ive been jailbreaking itouches even before)...but im just not sure about the effects of jailbreaking my iphone4

anyways, enough of the intro...time to read threads now! :)
Is anybody really happy with there iphone 4, Network problems in Gloucestershire Uk, 3G down everywhere whats happening?
Welcome on board from Australia. My partner is also from the Philippines have not been back for 5 years though enjoy the forum
Hi everyone, I've had my iphone4 since Sept and love it. Trying now to use a Monster I-800 FM Transmitter and getting the "Device not optimized for Iphone 4" message. Called Monster and support guy was going to try it on his phone and email me back the results. Haven't heard from him. I suspect I won't.
Is there any FM Transmitter that works great? I don't mind connecting with jack to device and NOT charging at the same time.
I just bought new iphone 4 and love it but there is alot I still need to learn Thank u all for letting me join and learn from from other iphone people.
hi , i just got a iphone 4, one of my friends recommend this forum is very nice and helpful for iphone owner.
so i here! i like to share my experience and also learn from others
i so glad to be a member of this forum

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