Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

Hey guys, I need some help on purchasing a 5c gsm unlocked iphone could be used by a verizon carrier? any possibles will help
Welcome to iPhone Forums, Lex-Luthor!

I hope a few of of our members will provide some helpful advice.

Your other, identical, post has been removed. It would be confusing to have one question answered in two threads, and duplicate posts are also against our rules. Please keep the discussion of your question to this thread.

Thank you!
I'm so glad to be here! You all seem so nice and friendly! I haven't been on iPhone since iP4 so I'm a little rusty. I haven't even got my new iPhone 6s plus yet (it's in the post ), but I'm looking SO much forward to it. Been on Android for the last 3-4 years, but I think it's about time to return to iPhone . BTW I'm from Copenhagen, Denmark .

Swyped ✔
I'm so glad to be here! You all seem so nice and friendly! I haven't been on iPhone since iP4 so I'm a little rusty. I haven't even got my new iPhone 6s plus yet (it's in the post ), but I'm looking SO much forward to it. Been on Android for the last 3-4 years, but I think it's about time to return to iPhone . BTW I'm from Copenhagen, Denmark .

Swyped ✔
Once you receive your new iPhone and have any questions, we'll do our best to help answer them.
BTW, if you still remember your Apple ID and password from when you had the iPhone 4, any previously purchased or downloaded apps or iTunes content will be available to re-download at no extra charge on your new iPhone as long as you're using the same Apple ID.
Hey All,

I'm new here, as well as new to iPhone. The Note 7 recall was the last straw. Preordered the iPhone 7 Plus yesterday. A bit nervous, but really looking forward to something new.

Hey All,

I'm new here, as well as new to iPhone. The Note 7 recall was the last straw. Preordered the iPhone 7 Plus yesterday. A bit nervous, but really looking forward to something new.

Welcome to iPhone Forums, David!
Hi there.

I've been knowing about the iPhone since it was announced in 2007. Although, I haven't gotten one until 2014, which I still used to this day. I don't think it's that good, but it still works nonetheless. I also like most of Apple's products, even though I liked them better when Steve Jobs was still alive.
Hi there.

I've been knowing about the iPhone since it was announced in 2007. Although, I haven't gotten one until 2014, which I still used to this day. I don't think it's that good, but it still works nonetheless. I also like most of Apple's products, even though I liked them better when Steve Jobs was still alive.
Welcome to iPhone Forums, NewYorkEagle!
New to this forum, Android user since 2009 but decided to go and try iOS and man im loving th iOS 10

Sent from my iPhone SE using Tapatalk

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