Hi there. Long time Nokia user to 1 year Blackberry user to bought iPhone 4 yesterday! I blame the ipad - convinced me of the Apple ecosystem.
Welcome to the apple ecosystem then. I'm sure that soon you will have the Mac book in your viewfinder.
Hi there. Long time Nokia user to 1 year Blackberry user to bought iPhone 4 yesterday! I blame the ipad - convinced me of the Apple ecosystem.
iPhone4Forum.net is a friendly community dedicated to the all the latest and greatest iPhone from Apple, the iPhone 4.
Our goal is to be the place to go to when you have iPhone 4 questions or problems.
To keep the place friendly, we ask that every new member post up an introduction thread letting us know a little bit about themselves, their current (and future) cell phones, etc.
Please help us keep this site friendly and informative! Thanks in advance.
Hi guys I've just registered here
I hope we learn n get experience from each other
dmitchstevens said:I think anyone who gets an apple product of any kind will be in aww for a little while. I love all my apple products. I like iOS better then windows any day. So yes I think you should buy now. You can always upgrade if you want too later
Way until September that is coming the iPhone 5..... faster and with 8mp camera.. with a lot other features...
My name is Donna. I had an iPhone 3Gs, and now I have an iPhone 4 with all the bells and whistles a non-Geek would know how to include. I love electronic geeks, I'm just unfortunately not one. I have a problem I will try to find a place to post. I'm looking forward to this forum.
Welcome to the site! What phone are you using now?
Welcome to the site! What phone are you using now?
I have the 3G. It has about a million emails on it, and I'd like to remove all of them. How can I do that?