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What are you doing right NOW??? ;)

I've finished stuffing the Laundry Monster into the the temporary holding device and will soon enter the field of battle in my never-ending battle against the Dastardly Laundry Monster.
At great risk, I’ve forced the Laundry Monster into the Aqueous Agitator and will throw him into the Rotary Furnace as soon as he’s dizzy enough from the water torture.
Waiting at the bus stop after giving the bank some of my money.
You realize that there’s no limit to the number of rounds? The Laundry Monster is like the Energizer Bunny, he just keeps going and going.
Tell me about it.
Good thing is, I'm the one who's deciding when to fight. So round four is the last one today, and then I'll cut off her power until I'm ready to fight again, maybe tomorrow.
Drinking coffee and planning my day. Trying to figure out if the new Spiderman movie will go on todays list of things to do or not.