I am willing to give Apple some leeway with the graphical design at present considering the new features they finally added.
Settings is divided and setup properly. Notable changes for the better:
1) Do Not Disturb can now be setup to be active when the phone is unlocked. Single largest complaint I had about it.
2) Text Size for apps that support is now very easy to set. Very nice feature.
3) Ambient Noise Cancellation is now selectable.
4) Background App Refresh is selectable per application.
5) Advertising now has a switch for limited tracking. Wish they had a completely off but this is a start.
6) You can now lock all restrictions for applications. This is a HUGE addition that was sorely needed.
7) You can now prevent apps from accessing the Mic and Bluetooth. Very nice additions for the paranoid.
8) You can turn off the wallpaper moving. Still haven't decided which way I like it.
9) BLACK LIST so that you no longer have to deal with calls, SMS/IM or facetime from people you don't want to bother you. Only took 7 major versions to get here but better late then never.
There are a few toggle switches that work backwards until you toggle and reboot, if you restore your phone instead of starting over.
Calendar app is actually a step backwards in my opinion. You can no longer use the month view to see days with events.
Safari has real issues with user name and password fields right now. User fields can double entry when correcting a typo. Passwords fields, if you go back to edit them, show typo suggestions. Hope that gets fixed first. In fact I wonder how something that simple got passed them to begin with.
Newstand is NOW AN APP that can be put IN A FOLDER! About time.
Setting or usage of a function can now be in multiple places thru settings or other parts of the OS. Very nice/
DON'T TRY TO USE AIRPLAY while the phone is restoring. Causes a springboard reboot. But the reboot took less than 5 seconds and didn't stop the restore. *Update* three apps got hosed because of the respring. Doesn't seem to be an easy way to restart their restores. *Update* had to hard reboot and push the app thru iTunes.
iTunes is now "Out of Sync" for look and feel of iOS 7 when you mess with applications install and folders. Some applications will now leave the folder they were in if you try move one around and resync. Suggest you don't use iTunes to setup each screen/folder until iTunes is updated for iOS 7.
Coloring of the status bar has been taken much further than iOS 6.
New apps show a blue dot instead of the word New over the icon. Meh?
The new folder system is going to be really hit or miss with people. Can see a nice war brewing over it.
Really wish they would allow the user to select the frosted color of the folder and the color of the font for the folders. Bare minimum they need to add a black outline to the white text. That should have been a "NO DUH" piece of coding.
New multitasking selector seems really nice but seems to lose the last screen shot on a hard reboot.
When moving icons around and the folder has exactly nine items in it, the folder looks empty during the move. VERY JARRING. Also when you zoom into a folder it shakes very rapidly while the animation takes place. Also very jarring.
Folders are now nine items per page. And you do not have to fill a page to start a new one. So you can place 18 apps across three pages with each page having only 6. First thing I have found about the new folders I really like.
The all white application motif is going to wear really thin. Another hit or miss that will have a flame war associated with it.
The new notification pull down and quick setting pull up are very nicely done. Might actually use notification center finally. Quick settings needs one more feature to be really useful. The ability to set the bottom four apps.
The new Settings, Safari and Camera icons simply "inhales profusely". Someone really dropped the ball on this.
Grrr... Notes in all white is annoying as all get out....
That's enough for 90 minutes of playing with.