My favorite iPhone application is Cydia, Cycorder, Analytics App, PhoneFlix
Cydia is the only application I use on a daily basis. For those of you who arent familiar with Cydia, it is what I call the other App Store. Like the App Store app, you can browse plenty of different applications, except these applications are not approved by Apple.
If Apple werent such a bunch of assholes, Cycorder would have never existed in the first place. Cycorder is a free video recording app developed by Saurik, the creator of Cydia.
3)Analytics App
If you dont manage any website, then Analytics App is useless to you. However, if you do have a few websites and you want to be able to check your stats on the go, then Analytics App is the app you need.
There are five paid Netflix applications in the App Store and I cant think of any reason why anyone would bother spending a dime on them when PhoneFlix does the job for free.