What's your Theme?

What's your Theme?

darkstar2007 said:
You'll have to go to the actual website and change your avatar via user cp then you look for settings&options. Right under that you'll see edit avatar. That's all there is to it.

Oh okay thanks

Are you a moderator?
Fcdrake said:
Who are the moderators/admins?

Well I don't think there's an actual way to look them all up. Although when your viewing the forums via a web browser you'll see everyones title under their screenname. Yours should say junior member. This is how that works

Junior member
Senior member

Then you have

Super moderator

That's how ipf works :D!
here's mine theme





i couldnt find any one theme that suited my tastes 100% so i took bits and pieces of 4 different themes and made it my own.

themes used: Prestige HD, VIP HD, Unique HD, and 1Derful HD. yes i paid for all these and no i will not send this theme out to anyone as they are paid themes.

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Is it possible to use just some icons of certain themes ? If so can someone tell me how thanks :)
c'mon people show more themes!

do they have barbie themes?
Hmm well this theme is called "Buuf2" and it's actually pretty cool, I actually changed the wallpaper with iFile.




But the the original wallpaper are still good.

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