White iPhone 4 Captured and Pictured at Vodafone UK

White iPhone 4 Captured and Pictured at Vodafone UK


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Jun 18, 2010
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Engadget have managed to get their hands on a picture of the previously-elusive-but-soon-to-be-everywhere white iPhone 4, which was accidentally sold to a man in the UK at a Vodafone store. According to Engadget, it would seem that a salesperson actually sold the man the white iPhone 4 before he should have done, and had to ring it up as a black iPhone in order for the sale to go through. Vodafone later told all its stores not to sell any more white iPhone 4s until next week, which is when 9to5 Mac says it will go on sale, going by an internal memo they obtained from a source at Netherlands phone seller BelCompany, which reveals Wednesday April 27to be the launch date in Europe. However, 9to5 Mac say that their sources at AT&T and Verizon still have no official word of a release date. It’s surely only a matter of time though.

Source: Exclusive: White iPhone 4 lands at Vodafone UK -- Engadget, White iPhone 4 to land April 27th in Europe – sources | 9 to 5 Mac White iPhone 4 to land April 27th in Europe – sources | Apple Intelligence
yep another website says three uk are even taking pre orders for them but i found nothing on the 3 uk website
pocketnow.com report that the white iphone 4 will arrive Europe lately.

We already know that the white iPhone 4 will be launching this week in Europe -- available from April 28 on T-Mobile Germany -- and recent developments indicate that the white [COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=inherit ! important][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=inherit ! important]Apple[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] smartphone will see a U.S. launch along the same lines, according to a BestBuy inventory screenshot.

The image above shows the AT&T GSM variant of the White iPhone 4 being in stock -- and thus probably available -- from April 27 and word is that the Verizon version will have the same fate. Units have already arrived at retailers according to reports so everything seems to be on track, finally.
last year the 3gs had no white until near the summer then all i could find in shops was the white and no black lol

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