White iPhone 4 Could Be Launching as Early as April 26

White iPhone 4 Could Be Launching as Early as April 26


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Jun 18, 2010
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MacRumors reports today that the white iPhone 4 could be launching as soon as Tuesday April 26, according to an Italian website, iPhoneItalia. This follows on from Bloomberg reporting last week that they had heard from anonymous Apple sources that the white iPhone 4 would be released by the end of April. 9to5 Mac also had a story last Friday about the white iPhone 4’s imminent release, complete with proof that the white iPhone 4 will be coming to Verizon as well as AT&T, in the form of a sneaky glimpse at Verizon’s internal inventory database, which shows new model numbers for 16 GB and 32 GB iPhone 4s, which 9to5 Mac says are for the white iPhone 4, based on the numbering system.

So there we have it, the white iPhone 4 will soon be here! This could be perfect timing for Apple with a few months to go before the iPhone 5, and with the white iPad 2 proving so popular as well, I can see a lot of people fancying a matching set!

Source: White iPhone 4 to Launch on April 26th? - Mac Rumors, White iPhone 4 shows up in Verizon’s inventory | 9 to 5 Mac White iPhone 4 shows up in Verizon’s inventory | Apple Intelligence

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