White iPhone 4 Conversion With iCarbons

White iPhone 4 Conversion With iCarbons


iPhoneForums.net News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA

Yesterday, you all saw that I got a package in from iCarbons that included a whole bunch of carbon fiber skins. Well, in this video I show you guys how to put it on and the end result of the white skin making my phone look like the white iPhone 4. In the end, I loved the look. I took off the white home button sticker, not because there was anything wrong with it, but because I thought it looked better with a black home button. I ended up taking off my bumper skin as well just because it didn't fit in a few of my tight cases. Overall its a great product, so stay tuned for the giveaway.
hmm, I never really liked the white iPhone, but this looks sweet..
Hey I have been a subscriber to your YouTube channel for a while and I came across this video and really liked those icarbons. I was wondering if you were stillgoing to do the giveaway? - armani
that is creativity in action.. good luck


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