White iPhone 4 Shows Up at Whole Foods Market in Seattle

White iPhone 4 Shows Up at Whole Foods Market in Seattle


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Excitement mounts on the White iPhone 4 front with a report in The Seattle Times that one has been spotted at a Whole Foods Market in Seattle, and no, it wasn't shopping for organic groceries! It turns out that the white iPhone 4 was spotted by TJ, a news producer in Seattle, who writes about the sighting in his blog and even has a photograph of the phone. It was seen in the hands of an Italian man, who told TJ that he was testing the phone for Apple, and that it will be going on sale in Italy in February, sooner than the spring that Apple has been saying it will be released. The Italian man also told the news producer that his group at Apple had been having problems keeping the edges of the White iPhone 4 from turning yellow after a few weeks of use, but that he thought they had finally solved the problem with the current version he was testing. He also said that the antenna has been redesigned so that it now wraps around the body of the phone, to avoid any more reception problems.

Of course there’s no way of knowing if the Italian gentleman in question really was part of an Apple testing team, but if he wasn’t, why did he have what appears to be a legit white iPhone 4?

White iPhone 4 spotted in Seattle? | foundTJ
Brier Dudley's Blog | White iPhone 4 spotted in Seattle, with antenna fix | Seattle Times Newspaper via AppleInsider
There are so many fake white phones.... lol a news man spots one and its news...... I'm pretty sure people know now if they want to be in the news just say your testing for apple.:)
There are so many fake white phones.... lol a news man spots one and its news...... I'm pretty sure people know now if they want to be in the news just say your testing for apple.:)

yes there are lost going around, though the guys here that send official white parts or change it for you is very good, its the same as if you would of bought it from apple.

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