Who else?!

Who else?!

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I know right?! Literally right after this new jailbreak came out recently, all I see is people posting about problems. Nooooo thank you. My regular iPhone is just fine lol :)

I second that. Most of the topics on this forum are JB problems and baseband issues. Steve Jobs made a phone to be intended in the way he visioned it. Then along come JB and totally eradicate that idea!

I too, am extremely happy with the vision of this iphone4 s. Simple and Very functional. Coming from Android, ive had enough of customization and problems, + this phone is just as good out of the box. (imo its way better than wuts out right now) :p
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Currently jailbroken and I love the tweaks that cydia brings.. after 4 years of jailbreaking I never had a problem, plus the baseband is for unlockers.. jailbreaking brings features apple will some times never add or add years later..

Though saying that I always upgrade to newer firmware even if there is no jb and I dont mind going with out it.. but to not do so because others have problems? the same could be said about stock .ipsw's that apple release, they are not always perfect and have been known to have many bugs.

I love little things like being able to change the way icons scroll or be able to send files over bluetooth or ssh into my device and delete stock apps such as weather.. small things that help you get the best out of your device.. Though I still own the 4 and not 4S but paid outright as well for £600.. next year will be £700 for the 64GB model.

but I would of jailbroken by now if I had the 4S.. there was some ibooks bug.. I never use that any way.
Currently jailbroken and I love the tweaks that cydia brings.. after 4 years of jailbreaking I never had a problem, plus the baseband is for unlockers.. jailbreaking brings features apple will some times never add or add years later..

Though saying that I always upgrade to newer firmware even if there is no jb and I dont mind going with out it.. but to not do so because others have problems? the same could be said about stock .ipsw's that apple release, they are not always perfect and have been known to have many bugs.

I love little things like being able to change the way icons scroll or be able to send files over bluetooth or ssh into my device and delete stock apps such as weather.. small things that help you get the best out of your device.. Though I still own the 4 and not 4S but paid outright as well for £600.. next year will be £700 for the 64GB model.

but I would of jailbroken by now if I had the 4S.. there was some ibooks bug.. I never use that any way.

+1 not been an iphone owner for that long but jailbroken after about 2months of having my first iphone. Will be running a jailbreak for as long as its possible to do so.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 
To each his own, but I will never jailbreak my phone, I bought iPhone for one reason and that was dependability, part of that is the way Apple "controls" what we can do so we don't do something wrong. If others want to take that chance, that is great, I don't want to. As my Dad used to say "if is isn't broke, don't fix it."

Have a great day,
HiddenPuppy said:
To each his own, but I will never jailbreak my phone, I bought iPhone for one reason and that was dependability, part of that is the way Apple "controls" what we can do so we don't do something wrong. If others want to take that chance, that is great, I don't want to. As my Dad used to say "if is isn't broke, don't fix it."

Have a great day,

Amen! Jailed crew wassup?! Lol
I jb mIne for one simple reason.......pdanet. ...Works great but haven't really messed around with the other tweaks. I loved my phone before the jb but this makes it that much better. Also don't knock Cydia apps or developers because a lot of the new features apple puts into new software came from cydia tweaks.
seneca18 said:
I jb mIne for one simple reason.......pdanet. ...Works great but haven't really messed around with the other tweaks. I loved my phone before the jb but this makes it that much better. Also don't knock Cydia apps or developers because a lot of the new features apple puts into new software came from cydia tweaks.

Get out!!!! This thread is for factory iOS lovers and the jailed/inmate crew!!!!!

Just messin :)
LoL I am happy with my iphone with out jailbreak as well I rather be on newer firmware then jailbreak but I love my cydia tweaks as well..

the iphone in 2007 we had backgrounder for multi tasking (not enabled until ios 4.XX) 4 years later
BAckground wallpapers where not enabled until 3.XX three years later
MMS... I think that was ios 2.0 enabled

but you see where this is going.. though I much rather use stock ios and have it all enabled and have less to download from cydia but I love customising my iphone. Plus not all apps that have made it into the app store that are not 100% safe, they don't catch everything.. I remember one app had secret tethering after pressing a sequence of colours and thats just one of them that got through.

not that you ever hear of them or download them lol
Isn't it illegal to jail break a phone any way? Call me a noob but I thought it was.
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