naver_ said:
It would help if it was explained a little better. The video on Apples site doesn't say what it really is, or how it works. caught on to that?lol
I couldn't find any real useful info about iCloud really...just had to figure it out.
I have played around with iCloud quite a bit trying to figure out everything it can do.
I haven't figure out that much
I know how to use the email account on a
And played around in the iCloud.exe. Doesn't really give you too much to do.....
As far as I know, all it does it store data. Like app data, settings, photos. All the typical settings and media.
What I hate about iCloud is that I cannot edit my backup files.
Of I was some how able to modify them I would actually try restoring from an iCloud backup w/ data.
But yeah........they say why it does, but they do not inform very well about what it can do.
Recently. I have been having trouble with App opening and closing animation lag.
I could not get rid of it for anything.
Restore after restore. And I never ever restore from a backup. I always start fresh when I restore. Doing that yields the most stable jailbreak.
But I had restored like 5 times and I could not fix the animation lag.
So u read that restoring your device OTA would help the iOS to feel much more smooth.
So what I did was restore as a new device. Did not even setup anything.(exempt for the steps to gain access to the SpringBoard).
Once I was at the springboard I opened iCloud settings and backed up my phone.
That way I had a backup of a freshly unmodified backup with all stock/default settings.
I restored again, this time while using the setup assistant, I chose to restore to the pretty much blank iCloud backup.
When it was done, my device ran very smooth, and I found that post in that thread somewhere (have no idea where. Don't remember) to be completely true.
I wish I would have restored back to iOS 5, then updated OTA to 5.0.1 because I seen the 5.1 update the next
I'm hoping some day Devs will find a way to jailbreak via the OTA feature, or even restore to a custom IPSW via