Wifi and 4G speeds

Wifi and 4G speeds

JEKL said:
Yes and no. The Galaxy S II has a great sleep function that allows you to keep 4G on all the time with minimal difference in battery life when not in use. All other 4G devices that I had would burn through battery like crazy if you left it on. Now when you are using 4G for data yes you could burn more battery. However, you will be using data for a shorter time period than the much slower 3G. So it kind of works out to a wash.

The better arguement for the 4S is it's reception. I just left the Galaxy S II because it can't hold a signal to save it's life. It is an amazing gadget but a horrible phone. Plus Samsung is notorius for being slow to update their phones which means that problem has been out there for a while with no support from Samsung. I love Android, but I need a phone first and a gadget second so I made the switch to what I think is the best phone currently in the Sprint line up.

Back to the OPs comment. Yes wifi is going to be faster than 4G. I'm not sure about your use, but I find myself without wifi access a lot during the day. So wifi being faster than 4G is rather pointless for me. Any phone can be fast on wifi, but what about when I am out and about? I would love if the 4S had 4G, but they are still behind the curve on that.

Wifi is only faster if you purchase a fast Internet speed.
Yes and no. The Galaxy S II has a great sleep function that allows you to keep 4G on all the time with minimal difference in battery life when not in use. All other 4G devices that I had would burn through battery like crazy if you left it on. Now when you are using 4G for data yes you could burn more battery. However, you will be using data for a shorter time period than the much slower 3G. So it kind of works out to a wash.

The better arguement for the 4S is it's reception. I just left the Galaxy S II because it can't hold a signal to save it's life. It is an amazing gadget but a horrible phone. Plus Samsung is notorius for being slow to update their phones which means that problem has been out there for a while with no support from Samsung. I love Android, but I need a phone first and a gadget second so I made the switch to what I think is the best phone currently in the Sprint line up.

Back to the OPs comment. Yes wifi is going to be faster than 4G. I'm not sure about your use, but I find myself without wifi access a lot during the day. So wifi being faster than 4G is rather pointless for me. Any phone can be fast on wifi, but what about when I am out and about? I would love if the 4S had 4G, but they are still behind the curve on that.

4G really doesn't use that much more battery when it is connected. The problem with 4G is that coverage is still spotty, so you phone constantly "hunts" for a 4G signal thus burning battery life. If you stay in a 4G area, you battery life is not all that different. But as I said, 4G service is still expanding and it's not available a majority of the time unless you are in a large city etc.

Regarding the Wifi, your speeds depend on your internet service provider and your router speed more than the phone.
Here's mine.

Thats about right - Speed Test shows on my 4S 19 MPS d/l and 6 MPS u/l for WiFi and for ATT 3G 5 MPS d/l and 1 MPS u/l:


As an aside, when it works and isn't overwhelmed by some disaster, my 3G speeds have improved DRAMATICALLY in my area (Houston) now that I have a 4S AND the fact ATT has rolled out 4G / LTE whatever. Before I'd be lucky to get 1 mps d/l and .5 mps u/l.

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