My son showed me his new ASUS pad, the one with detachable keyboard and apparently 5 processors.
He ran a demo cartoon showing off the lighting effects to me, which was tbf very impressive - once several glitches and 2 resets were performed 'which it had not done before' were got past.
I said to him in a comforting tone, these effects fortunately were not strictly required in spreadsheets and word processing apps

Just made me think back, my early days of PC's you'd go ti a computer fair, built the most wicked games machine you could afford, a few months later a new must have game came out, needing better graphics cards = new card, ditto more memory, the faster memory and the circle rolled on.
In effect s new game to be playable could cost you a lot of money in upgrades because your latest bee's knee's machine could not meet the demands if the software, so it was virtually an expensive door stop within a year.
These days I own a asus laptop and do all my gaming on an xbox 360, so to get my money the games writers have to be less lazy, there is no viable hardware/memory expansions available.
This relates to the phones and tablets in that the Apple iOS (tweaks and bugs aside), is only seriously updated about once a year, such is the quality of its system writers, it is backwards compatible and fairly painless to achieve with very little knowledge.
Many enjoy the tinkering element of jail-breaking or Android routing, just as many tinker with cars, nothing wrong in that - but i personally don't, so i keep it stock.
i wan't it to work out if the box - and keep on working with no effort from me, anyone buying iOS kit means like me they are likely happy to pay for that amazing reliability.
So It don't matter which fanzine club your in, your not going to deal a knock out to the others, or make them wrong, because our priorities as individuals are all different.