4S Questons & Guidence

4S Questons & Guidence


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Sep 17, 2013
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Gateway To The West
I have a Iphone 4S with 6.1.3

I've been doing some reading and searching on here trying to figure out what do to do because I want to jailbreak my phone.
I know now that there is no 6.1.3 jail break.
I'm hearing that there might be one in the future.

But my issue is just in case this is a load of crap would you guys go ahead and update to IOS7 and wait for a jailbreak then?
Also what I'm reading on this forum is saying a lot about IOS7 jail break with the A6 chip. Does that mean my 4S with IOS7 will not be able to jail break because its a older chip?
Excuse me if I these are dumb questions but I'm still in the learning zone when it comes to all this.
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Usually, the best advice for someone who is interested in a jailbreak, but doesn't have a jail breakable iOS, is - wait until there is a jail break for the newer iOS.

So, unless you really want to experience iOS 7, my suggestion is to wait. This way, you have increased your chances. If a jail break for iOS 6.1.3 comes out before the one for iOS 7, you can jail break and still wait for the iOS 7 jail break. Or, if an iOS 7 jail break is released, you can upgrade to it and jail break. There is no harm in waiting on iOS 6.1.3...

Hope that makes sense.

Usually, the best advice for someone who is interested in a jailbreak, but doesn't have a jail breakable iOS, is - wait until there is a jail break for the newer iOS.

So, unless you really want to experience iOS 7, my suggestion is to wait. This way, you have increased your chances. If a jail break for iOS 6.1.3 comes out before the one for iOS 7, you can jail break and still wait for the iOS 7 jail break. Or, if an iOS 7 jail break is released, you can upgrade to it and jail break. There is no harm in waiting on iOS 6.1.3...

Hope that makes sense.


This. Either ways, you would end up with a jailbreak. If you were to stay with either iOS, you'd have access to a jailbreak eventually. With 6.1.3 and 6.1.4, "apparently" there's a jailbreak to be released in the weeks to come this month. We're its reliable or not, we don't have enough evidence to show that it's true or not as a reputable source has not been presented with a test run of the jailbreak. iOS 7 would probably not receive a jailbreak within a few months, just like iOS 6 as the exploit and vulnerability lists are growing smaller and smaller

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Usually, the best advice for someone who is interested in a jailbreak, but doesn't have a jail breakable iOS, is - wait until there is a jail break for the newer iOS.

So, unless you really want to experience iOS 7, my suggestion is to wait. This way, you have increased your chances. If a jail break for iOS 6.1.3 comes out before the one for iOS 7, you can jail break and still wait for the iOS 7 jail break. Or, if an iOS 7 jail break is released, you can upgrade to it and jail break. There is no harm in waiting on iOS 6.1.3...

Hope that makes sense.


This. Either ways, you would end up with a jailbreak. If you were to stay with either iOS, you'd have access to a jailbreak eventually. With 6.1.3 and 6.1.4, "apparently" there's a jailbreak to be released in the weeks to come this month. We're its reliable or not, we don't have enough evidence to show that it's true or not as a reputable source has not been presented with a test run of the jailbreak. iOS 7 would probably not receive a jailbreak within a few months, just like iOS 6 as the exploit and vulnerability lists are growing smaller and smaller

Sent via my iPad using Tapatalk HD

That is exactly what I was thinking.
Hello, I've also had the same question about unlocking my iPhone 4S. After doing some research online I was able to find a reputable experienced professional that was able to help me Jailbreak my iPhone. They provided very detailed instructions and made it so easy and efficient. I was able to do mine in such a short time.

Moderation notice: This post has been edited by the iPhoneForums staff in accordance with theForum Rules Removed Link To Fake Jailbreak Site
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There is currently no jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3, 6.1.4, or iOS 7. Any site promising such a jailbreak is a scam. Also, all genuine jailbreaks are free, do not pay anyone who promises a jailbreak for your phone.

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