Android Owners Want Your iPhone!

Android Owners Want Your iPhone!


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Jun 18, 2010
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Macworld reports on a new survey today that says what we secretly knew all along, that Android owners really want to get their hands on an iPhone! The survey, which was conducted by phone comparison website, found that Android owners were four times more likely to wish that they had an iPhone than iPhone owners were to wish that they had an Android phone. Apparently almost one third of Android owners polled confessed to wanting an iPhone, with just seven percent of iPhone users eyeing up an Android.

Another interesting stat unearthed by the survey was that more than half of the men polled who didn’t own a smartphone would choose an iPhone for their first smartphone. However, less than a fifth of non-smartphone users said that they intended to buy an Android phone. The iPhone also proved to be very popular with female respondents, with almost three quarters of those asked saying that it was the most desirable smartphone.

And finally, the survey revealed that iPhone users are the most dependent on their device, with more than two thirds of those surveyed saying that they couldn’t manage without their iPhone, in comparison with 29 percent of Android owners. sampled 524 respondents for the survey.

Source: Macworld
I couldn't manage without my iPhone!

My wife has a blackberry. Tried using it once. That was a laugh! Lol. Just too used to the touchscreen on the iPhone. Could never go back to the old way of texting...
Lets try the opposite

hahahah i love this game....

I couldn't manage without my iPhone!

My wife has a blackberry. Tried using it once. That was a laugh! Lol. Just too used to the touchscreen on the iPhone. Could never go back to the old way of texting...

No joke
Well with the iPhone now going to Verizon it looks like a lot of people are now going to be able to try it that weren't able to before.

Didn't think that had been confirmed yet...?

We don't have that problem in the UK. We've got about 4 or 5 carriers to choose from.
Ah well I have an android phone and an Iphone (I got the android as a gift). And while both phones have their pros and cons, the android takes better pictures. Audio playback both phones are great.They weigh about the same and performance-wise both are reliable but I still use my Iphone more simply because it has more apps.
My wife and I just switched from iPhone 4 to Samsung Fascinate. Main reason being ATT's poor coverage. It has been 3 days and while reception is stellar with Verizon, the Android leaves a lot to be desired with both form factor, UI, and available apps. We are hoping that the new year brings a Verizon version of the iP4 so thatvwe can have the best of both worlds.
Have both. Actually 2 ip4's. One 16 and one 32. (thru my business I co-own). For my personal use I created a Verizon account and bought a Droid X. Got my flame suit on.... But android os blows ios out of the water. Just my opinion. It does lag more (barely, but indeed more). But the customization and speak to text, maps, battery among many other things make it worth it. Well, that's how I see the two.
.... But android os blows ios out of the water. Just my opinion.

Sorry, but what specifically makes it better..not trying to start a war here..I love the simplicity of iOS..what kind of tweaks and etc on the the android os make it better..

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