Apple AirPods WILL Launch This Year After All

Apple AirPods WILL Launch This Year After All


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Jun 18, 2010
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AirPods will be here this year.webp

Following on from yesterday’s rumour that Apple’s AirPods would not be available until early 2017, AppleInsider has an exclusive report from a source familiar with Apple’s plans that contradicts that information.

According to AppleInsider’s source, there is “no way that these are getting pushed to January.” And to back this up, AppleInsider says that its contacts at Apple retail have said that AirPods demonstration units have already appeared in some Apple retail stores. In fact, of the 10 retail stores spoken to by AppleInsider, six already have AirPods demo units, and in those six stores the staff have already received training about AirPods and are waiting on the word from management to start showing AirPods to customers.

“We’re ready to go any time,” said one Apple retail source. “We got a few pairs for customer demonstration that we’re just waiting on the word to start with.”

Some retail stores have also already been sent AirPods to review.

Source: After missing October debut, Apple's AirPods remain on track to launch this year, sources say
I'm not getting excited about any news until I see it for myself.

All this flip flopping is silly.

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