Apple is aware of battery life problem on 4s and iphone 4

Apple is aware of battery life problem on 4s and iphone 4

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AATT said:
i hope they do it faster also . I forgot to mention all the options are turned on

That means wi go Bluetooth is on? Do you use then constantly or just roaming around?
No. Carrier makes no difference.

Id have to disagree. Take sprint for example. If the phone is constantly looking for signal and scanning towers to achieve a better signal its gonna drain the battery faster than having a strong signal. At my day job i get terrible reception and my battery drains significantly faster but at home my battery will last all weekend using it in the same manor. Gsm carriers in my experiences get even better battery due to the signal being able to penetrate buildings easier. Verizon users have some of the best coverage around and use multiple towers from other providers such as alltels old towers therefor verizon users get good battery life as well.

Signal will always affect battery and currently sprint is by far the worst so our phones die faster than any other carrier version.
I truly think the battery problem is the meter is lying !! Has anyone out there had there phone die ??? I've been down to 0% and was still talking and surfing, the battery is fine the meter needs an upgrade
I truly think the battery problem is the meter is lying !! Has anyone out there had there phone die ??? I've been down to 0% and was still talking and surfing, the battery is fine the meter needs an upgrade

Mines died everytime Ive let it go past 1%. Ive never seen a zero, just a blank screen.
I should have qualified my statement. Of course signal strength will make a difference. But people have been wondering if, with regard to software issues, would the carrier difference matter - and the answer to that is a resounding NO. As soon as the battery issue is solved at the software level -- ALL iPHONES regardless of carrier will get improvement. That's the point. The software runs the same on all iPhones regardless of carrier.

Agree completely.
This is becoming interesting:

We have two 4s's - my wife's is doing about 30 hours of stand-by with 3 hours of use, mine goes to 18 hours of stand-by/3 hours of use .. and dies.

Both on 5.0.1

I even copied all the setting form my wife's phone, same service provider, both phones purchased on the same day, both 32Gb, but very different battery life.

This is very confusing - why different battery life?~?~??????
This is becoming interesting:

We have two 4s's - my wife's is doing about 30 hours of stand-by with 3 hours of use, mine goes to 18 hours of stand-by/3 hours of use .. and dies.

Both on 5.0.1

I even copied all the setting form my wife's phone, same service provider, both phones purchased on the same day, both 32Gb, but very different battery life.

This is very confusing - why different battery life?~?~??????

Thats not good i think you both have battery issues.
AATT said:
This is how it looks now. Mostly i watched youtube some camera applications iphone store some calls and srri also facebook

That is what my battery stats normally look like. Some days are better than others.
Thats not good i think you both have battery issues.

I've tested my battery this morning again - in stand-by mode lost 10% in 1 hour, 20% in 2 hours ..

This is completely abnormal, brand new 4s with iOS 5.0.1 loosing 10% of battery life each hour.

Apple, what are you doing to rectify this?!?

Daca said:
I've tested my battery this morning again - in stand-by mode lost 10% in 1 hour, 20% in 2 hours ..

This is completely abnormal, brand new 4s with iOS 5.0.1 loosing 10% of battery life each hour.

Apple, what are you doing to rectify this?!?


Their working it, the new update will arrive soon. Trust me we know how you fill. This issue will be taken care of soon.
Daca said:
I've tested my battery this morning again - in stand-by mode lost 10% in 1 hour, 20% in 2 hours ..

This is completely abnormal, brand new 4s with iOS 5.0.1 loosing 10% of battery life each hour.

Apple, what are you doing to rectify this?!?


That's not good. My phone was in stand by for 6 hours. Didn't loose anything. Until I unlocked the phone then went down to 99%. Which is normal.
Hi there,

Been following this thread for a while. I have been getting decent battery, although it does change day to day. Did a full restore after 5.0.1 came along and things looked promising

That's 36 hours standby with 3hrs usage and 32% left. Siri, wifi, Bluetooth off.

Today though, just generally looking about auto trader, eBay and the web, I lost 20% in 58mins. Not good


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Their working it, the new update will arrive soon. Trust me we know how you fill. This issue will be taken care of soon.

Thanks for the heads up, hopefully they'll resolve this abnormal situation soon.


Push and Fetch are turned off on my 4s, still I get not more then 10 hours stand-by with 2 hours of moderate use before my battery reading reaches 1%.

Appalling, isn't it.


I have full 5 bars of reception on my phone, perfect reception/signal, but still appalling battery life.

Everything that can be switched of is switched off - siri, etc ..

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