Apple is aware of battery life problem on 4s and iphone 4

Apple is aware of battery life problem on 4s and iphone 4

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My battery beats my android. I dont need it to be better but if it will be then thats just awesome! Just sitting tight
It does if it kills specific apps that don't need to run during normal ops. Heck, even droid users know that. Sheesh..

And excuse me for asking but shouldn't this "issue" been fixed BEFORE the phone hit the street? My kid wants one and I've been trying to talk her out of it. Having worked for Sprint for 10 years and had the luck to play with many phones (in beta and after release), I'm not about to plunk hundreds of bucks down for a phone that is up to it's 4th generation and additional builds only to hear it's still full of bugs and problems.
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I've heard through app advice that if you turn off time zone adjust it saves battery life; apparently it continually rechecks. so unless you constantly travel between time zones its not needed.
It does if it kills specific apps that don't need to run during normal ops. Heck, even droid users know that. Sheesh..

And excuse me for asking but shouldn't this "issue" been fixed BEFORE the phone hit the street? My kid wants one and I've been trying to talk her out of it. Having worked for Sprint for 10 years and had the luck to play with many phones (in beta and after release), I'm not about to plunk hundreds of bucks down for a phone that is up to it's 4th generation and additional builds only to hear it's still full of bugs and problems.

The phone is not full of bugs. The issue affects some but not all iphone4s phones. Regardless of what phone, computer or device and software there are always updates. The iOS is the issue and will be updated soon the good news is it is a straight over the air upgrade. I have clients here in Australia have no issues with battery life on the phone.
Got an update to the iOS 5beta 2. Battery life has improved majorly.


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The phone is not full of bugs. The issue affects some but not all iphone4s phones. Regardless of what phone, computer or device and software there are always updates. The iOS is the issue and will be updated soon the good news is it is a straight over the air upgrade. I have clients here in Australia have no issues with battery life on the phone.

This is very true. I am one of the fortunate ones in that my 4S gives me very good battery life. This MAY be because it's my first iPhone - I came over from a relatively long list of Blackberry phones and so I had no prior data from a previous iPhone to restore (and that's been suspected to cause some of the problems). My battery life is at least as good as if not better than my past couple of Blackberries - I typically end a day with anywhere from 50% to 70% life remaining so I could go two days between charges if I had to, and for me if I can feel confident of getting one full day I'm a happy camper.

And for those bemoaning this "bug" - all I can say is you ain't seen nothing compared to the Blackberry platform "new phone bugs".
sekelani said:
Got an update to the iOS 5beta 2. Battery life has improved majorly.

How did you acquire a patch to Beta 2? I have checked everywhere and I can't find one.
You must have a developers account with apple and also have your device registered to enable the beta testing.
Jamie76 said:
You must have a developers account with apple and also have your device registered to enable the beta testing.

He is a dev. There is a update to 5.01b1 not 2
You must have a developers account with apple and also have your device registered to enable the beta testing.

This correct. Both sekelaniand I are developers. His comment has me wondering if there was an update to iOS 5.0.1 beta 2 which I am running at present.

Under Beta 1 I had better battery life than Beta 2. If there is something beyond that, I want to test it immediately or I will drop back to beta 1.
Quick question. When you do an OTA software update, must the iphone be plugged into a power source?
Well i say If is not plugged and it may takes longer than usually and in this time ur battery die u are in trouble
hgratt said:
Quick question. When you do an OTA software update, must the iphone be plugged into a power source?

You never want to do an OTA patch while not charging. Well unless you want to become an expert in DFU mode recovery. :)
SweetPoison said:
Really. Do you think that is the same for an iPad?

I wouldn't do it even if the battery read 100%. Risking a failure when it isn't needed just seems foolish.
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