Asurion Warranty + jailbreaking, question.

Asurion Warranty + jailbreaking, question.


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Dec 18, 2010
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I recently bought an iphone 4 and I bought the asurion warranty, I read their terms and conditions and it doesn't say that if I jail break the iPhone it will void my warranty. Can somebody confirm this? Been looking EVERYWHERE!

The asurion warranty can be bought trough the MobileProtect app, just in case someone was wondering...
Apples warranty is void when you jailbreak. I dont know about any other warranty.

If you restore before sending you phone back under warranty, as far as I'm aware not even apple can tell if it's been jailbroken. I've sent a few back without problems...
Well the warranty only covers physical damage, so I highly doubt they void warranty for jail broken phones. Thanks anyways.

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