Auxo crashing springboard

Auxo crashing springboard

It's a problem on the 4S. Still getting crashes on my 4S's.
Uninstalled it. Still have that old muscle reflex where I'd pull up my screen waiting for Auxo to pull up (my zephyr gesture for pulling from bottom up is a home button simulator). End up with ScrollingBoard, then realize that I uninstalled Auxo.
Auxo - cool tweak. Not ready for prime time in 4S or 5. I've had trouble on both. Ram leak more the issue with the iPhone 5 and Auxo. NC Settings and Battery Doctor Pro entirely replaced SBSettings for me.
How can we be auto AUXO is causing crashes and memory leaks? I'm running it on a 4s. Also everyone is saying they are replacing sbsettings with ncsettings. I tried ncsettings and it doesn't have all of the same toggles and doesn't give you the system info such as IP address memory etc. nc is different .. I've also added toggles to sb. Also I thought I read the latest version of sb was fixed to work in ios6?
I'm not having any problems with SBSettings on my devices. Just have to make sure that you keep the RAM threshold above 50. If it ever goes below triple digits, I'll end the unnecessary processes and clear it up.
I'm not having any problems with SBSettings on my devices. Just have to make sure that you keep the RAM threshold above 50. If it ever goes below triple digits, I'll end the unnecessary processes and clear it up.
Well SBSettings has a huge ram leak for everyone - but whether that matters now with 1GB ram is up to the individual. Big issue on 4S. Auxo has Ram leak too - not as big. Auxo still crashy for me. Had to uninstall.
Well SBSettings has a huge ram leak for everyone - but whether that matters now with 1GB ram is up to the individual. Big issue on 4S. Auxo has Ram leak too - not as big. Auxo still crashy for me. Had to uninstall.

I'm on a 4s and I don't notice a ram leak. I have a couple different utilities that monitor ram. How would I notice this? Also auxo isn't causing issues for me at least that I can see.
I'm on a 4s and I don't notice a ram leak. I have a couple different utilities that monitor ram. How would I notice this? Also auxo isn't causing issues for me at least that I can see.
The only way to test a RAM leak is to Reboot your phone. Don't open anything for a few minutes after to let the initial daemons to release from RAM. Then note your RAM level. Write it down. Then open several apps - and play around in them a bit to launch stuff into RAM. Launch Auxo too.. but don't clear anything.. THEN - USE SBSettings or Auxo for that matter to clear all apps from the App Switcher. Look at your RAM now. If it's not back to the original number you wrote down. There's a RAM leak. Now uninstall Auxo and do the same test. After you clear apps from the switcher you'll get back CLOSER to the original RAM number you write down at the beginning - than with Auxo installed. That proves Auxo has a RAM leak. The even bigger RAM leak tweak now is SBSettings itself. A very common tweak people use - but I got rid of until they fix that.
The only way to test a RAM leak is to Reboot your phone. Don't open anything for a few minutes after to let the initial daemons to release from RAM. Then note your RAM level. Write it down. Then open several apps - and play around in them a bit to launch stuff into RAM. Launch Auxo too.. but don't clear anything.. THEN - USE SBSettings or Auxo for that matter to clear all apps from the App Switcher. Look at your RAM now. If it's not back to the original number you wrote down. There's a RAM leak. Now uninstall Auxo and do the same test. After you clear apps from the switcher you'll get back CLOSER to the original RAM number you write down at the beginning - than with Auxo installed. That proves Auxo has a RAM leak. The even bigger RAM leak tweak now is SBSettings itself. A very common tweak people use - but I got rid of until they fix that.

I tried that.. Started at 192m.... Opened sone programs a s played around. Wa at less then 100m. Used auxo to close apps... Was then at 186 for 5 or so seconds and then back to 192 and then 194...
I tried that.. Started at 192m.... Opened sone programs a s played around. Wa at less then 100m. Used auxo to close apps... Was then at 186 for 5 or so seconds and then back to 192 and then 194...
Cool!!! Then the update 24 hours ago must have fixed that. Glad to hear it. I haven't tested since the update a week ago. Now if it was just not so buggy in other areas. Auxo's maximum leak was 90MB.
Wait there was an Auxo update? o: I uninstalled it so I have no clue ._.

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