Auxo crashing springboard

Auxo crashing springboard

It clears itself up when memory is low, hence the common LowMemory in Diagnostics & Usage. Once it hits the LowMemory threshold, it'll clear itself up. But, when you have SBSettings on, the memory leak is constant/consistent, so if you hit the LowMemory threshold, SBSettings' leak would deplete it to 0 assuming it doesn't clear itself up, and kicks your device into Safe Mode.

So you need to do it when running sbsettings?lol sounds like an oxymoron, you only need to use the feature to clear cache when running the tweak that allows you to clear cache lol. Whatever floats your boat. I guess I'm kinda biased since I dropped using sbsettings awhile back and replaced it with ncsettings...
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Obviously you don't get the fact that there's a memory leak that requires you to do it. Otherwise, you wouldn't have to obviously
Apparently not since you're calling it an oxymoron when supposedly knowing that the designed features did not incorporate that and that it's a bug.
Apparently not since you're calling it an oxymoron when supposedly knowing that the designed features did not incorporate that and that it's a bug.

Yes, once bug is fixed its useful. Until bug is fixed I can't justify running it IMO.
I never do this to either ipad or iPhone and never have issues with crashes or anything. And the stock idevice user doesn't have the ability to clear cache and never has issues so why worry with back ground processes just because a tweak gives you the ability to do so....

And in my opinion, nc settings can't replace sbsettings with ease....I run ncsettings on both my ipad and iPhone and have all the toggles needed.
There's no comparison between a stock and a jailbroken phone. Though I agree that the way Apple allocates RAM dynamically - the old days of compulsively clearing RAM is and outdated concern. UNLESS you get very low which does happen - especially with tweaks that have a RAM leak like SBSettings currently. RAM leaks will not allow dynamic RAM allocation to work properly. And when you get down into the 44MB of RAM range the phone is crazy sluggish.

iPhone 5 people don't have much to worry about with 1GB of RAM unless they rely on SBSettings and other RAM leaky tweaks. But my iPhone 4S slowed to a crawl when RAM got low.

And dynamic allocation of RAM works great on stock phones but when you're jailbroken you're messing now with the mobile substrates and launch daemons in a way you don't when a phone is still stock. Still - iPhone 5 people have it better than 4S when it comes to the RAM clear issue. And - not sure if you're confusing terms when you say "cache" - which is not the same as RAM.
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Yes, once bug is fixed its useful. Until bug is fixed I can't justify running it IMO.
And there are a couple of tweaks out there, when combined can replace all of SBSettings functionality. I haven't missed it at all with Battery Doctor Pro , iCleaner Pro, SysActivity and NC Settings. Now that Springtomize 2 lets you see Memory in Status bar that was the last functionaility of SBSettings I needed. Now - I'll hand it to SBSettings that it takes 4 tweaks to replace ALL of its functionality. But a RAM leak is a serious thing. Willerz is 100% right in his explanation. The RAM leak can get to a place where you'd approach 0 RAM and go into safemode. I won't use SBSettings until it's fixed. ANd frankly I've come to prefer the functionality of my other tweaks better than SBSettings. Battery Doctor Pro's toggle are way more extensive than even NCSettings.

And because it was hard for me to find - if you type in Battery Doctor Pro in Cydia - you won't see anything in the window UNTIL you hit SEARCH. THen you'll see something written in Chinese. That's Battery Doctor Pro. You'll love it in your notification center for toggles.
I removed SBSETTINGS and replaced it with DYLIBDISABLER (part of what SBSETTINGS DID to turn off individual tweeks) and BATTERY DOCTOR PRO (notification toggles and much more) . I do notice a small drop in memory but it doesnt seem to go under 200 when nothing is running, where when I had SBSETTINGS, I would get a nice drop in memory. I do miss, however, the ability to see my IP address both on my Wireless and 3G network in a notification. I can open an app and see it though...
Good to know I'm not the only one that's feels that way about a ram leak!!!

I feel the same way. I've removed SBSettings as well. Since I have an iPhone 4 in use ATM, I need all the RAM I can get. :P

NCSettings is more polished IMO anyways.. Just a personal preference...

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