Battery life of my 4s

Battery life of my 4s

Mine has been draining fast lately. Drained 35% in last 3 hours. In the morning after playing music for only 45 minutes, it is completely drained out about 6 hours after unplugging it. Any suggestions?


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Yes, several times over the last three days. I let the phone completely run out and recharge it fully.
Yes, several times over the last three days. I let the phone completely run out and recharge it fully.

Dude mine is the exact same. I'm just buying a new battery but until then i gotta deal with it. I've done everything as well with no improvement. The apple store tested it and it said "normal" even though the "genius" even said its terrible. I think they only consider like 2 hours of usage bad.


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It is rare to here anyone claim they're iPhone 4 or 4S gets 9 hours usage. It just above average. Not by much at all...but still above it.

I know the 3GS's had pretty good battery life but...but I'm pretty sure my iPhone 4 now gets the same usage as my friends 3GS. Tho I don't know for sure...I'll check on that I guess.

He does seem to need to charge it more then I do tho.

I unplug mine at 5:30am and by 10:00pm I'm usually around 25%-30% and I would say I have moderate to heavy usage of my phone. I don't make a lot of phone calls so that might help. No reception in my office.

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I typically unplug at 5am, play music for an hour and have a constant email flow, and the battery has always lasted until at least 3pm, until this week. It started when I returned home from vacation. I thought it was a result of the constant plugging and unplugging while away, but I have now done several complete drains an recharges.
Full Cycle Charge:

Charge to 100% (leave on charge for about an hour after it reaches 100% and *dont use the phone* during this time.)

Now unplug, use normally. Let it drain to at least to 15% or lower. It is extremely important you do not plug in your device at all during this draining time. *extremely important*.

After drained..plug in..preferably to your Apple adapter and not a computer...tho the difference is only small. Let charge to 100%....leaving on charge a good *2 hours* after it has reached 100%.

*It is extremely important that you do *not* use your device at all during this final charge. ESPECIALLY after it reaches 80%. Just leave it a lone.

It is very important that you don't use the device during the final charge so that the battery does not halt while charging...completely ruining the whole point of doing this in the first place.

This *does not* some how fix your increases the accuracy of how the device reads your battery usage.

You want this to be as good as you can get it...this means not interrupting the calibration (using it) while it is in its final charge stage of the charge cycle.

Performing a full charge cycle is not as easy as most people think.. It's not very hard either...its really having the time to do it properly i think, but still not as simple as draining..then charging, then using. But the only real hard part is not using it for 6,if you want a *true* full cycle charge...good luck with that, because you will have to follow this instructions *exactly* if you ever want your iPhone cycle charged. That's just how it's done.
Thanks. Will give it a try. I agree it will be hard to find time for that second cycle charge but will do my best and let everyone know how it works out.
So I brought my phone to the Apple store (I am right near the one on 5th Avenue in NYC). The Genius bar tech was great. He saw that I have an Exchange email on my phone for work. It turns out that because we did some modifications to our server, something in my iPhone kept spinning in relation to the Exchange email. He showed me how the usage hours was not too far behind the standby hours, which meant the phone was continuously working and not going on standby. He deleted the Exchange email, did a settings reset on my phone, and reloaded the Exchange email on my phone. Voila! Back to normal...battery life back to what it used to be.
All of these threads are irrelevant due to everybody being in different geo locations.

It's obvious that if your far away from a tower and get horrible G reception, your battery is going to drain faster.
This, and what Zig has posted about seem to be the key to battery life
I am very close to a cell site (tower) and follow Zigs advise about deep cycling the battery
this is what I got last time I ran it down


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