Best apps for malware, antivirus, ransom ware?

Best apps for malware, antivirus, ransom ware?

Thanks for that, sometimes l can be such an idiot nicht wahr!!!!!
The Androids are susceptible to viruses, malware, etc, as PC's are? Yikes!
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There are no viruses for iOS, if your device is not jailbroken. Apple addresses threats like these in their updates, which always also contain security updates. The best way to keep your device virus-free is keeping it's software up to date.
Being new to Apple, it is my understanding (maybe wrong) that Apple does a lot better job of vetting the apps than the play store does. I ran a third part virus scanner (Avast) on my droid, but I do not think that I need one for my Iphone. Am I correct? Thanks in advance!
Being new to Apple, it is my understanding (maybe wrong) that Apple does a lot better job of vetting the apps than the play store does. I ran a third part virus scanner (Avast) on my droid, but I do not think that I need one for my Iphone. Am I correct? Thanks in advance!
Apple has a thorough review process before apps can be offered in the App Store. If a bad one does get through, it's removed as soon as possible. You won't find any anti-virus apps in the App Store as traditional viruses cannot cause a system wide infection like on a PC because of the strict sandboxing of iOS apps.

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