Bought new 4s, lost contacts, pics & notes

Bought new 4s, lost contacts, pics & notes


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Apr 10, 2012
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Hi, I bought the new 4s and gave my old iphone to my wife, I did a back up of my old phone and swapped computers to my wife's laptop, Deleted all data and set her up as a new phone. I put my new phone in to my computer and performed a sync of the apps. Itunes then made a new back up and deleted all previous back ups so I have my apps but no photos, contacts or notes. Can I get them back in any way? I am currently performing an recovery program and found a few pictures but not all of them. I would most like my contacts and notes back on my phone. Any help would be most appreciated.
Dave.... your posting is very difficult to understand. Bottom line: you should be able to "restore from backup" in iTunes from any iPhone onto another. That's the general rule, as far as I know. Other experts here, please confirm.

Best of luck with your situation; however, your description of your problem is hard to figure out. The " swapped computers and .... deleted all data .. and set up as a new phone..... and deleted all previous backups..... etc" is hard to follow. Use the common suggestion: K.I.S.S.
Hi, Thank you for replying, Sorry for the misunderstanding/time getting back.

what I did was I had the Iphone 4, and a backup of this phone on my computer,

I bought a Iphone 4S, So I backed up my old phone on my computer (and think this may be where I went wrong)
I then set up a new account on my wifes laptop under her name and restored that phone through her account,

she then had a set to basics iphone attached to her account, but then I attached the iphone 4S to my computer and set up as a new phone (I tunes proceeded with a backup of that iphone and wiped all data keeping just my purchased apps and music. I have tried to find the contacts around on the computer by using a undelete program called Pandora recovery. I have found some pics but not all of them ( some were of a Roger Waters concert which I really would love to get back as well as the contacts.

one extra piece of info I have which I hope may help is I have also got a program called tiny umbrella which has three .shsh files from a few months ago but that program sees this as a different phone.

I will be eternally thank full if anyone can help me get my contacts back and pics.

Thank you
Or a help would be if anyone knows of a program that I could download that can read the .shsh files so that I can get the pics onto my computer and copy my contacts over to the new phone. that would be a help

Thank you
Hi Guys, Right I am going to close this thread but first just in case anyone else has the same problem in the future here is what I did.

First of all my phone was stuck on Itunes screen - use program "tinyumbrella" and plug phone into computer then click on recovery fix at the top.

finding old contacts and pictures - use program "iphone backup extractor" (you can also download razorsql to read the sql files contacts, notes etc.) Iphone extractor helped me sort my problem

all Pictures, Numbers and codes i needed have been found.

hope the above helps
Last post on here for this thread to help people in my situation out.

I found a fantastic program which I downloaded through Cnet downloads called "ibackupbot" for itunes.

This program helped big time and the above post not needed as this does the lot. Easy to use (note the name though as got a false positive through my antivirus) but I have used it, you open it up, select your previous back ups (which the program finds) and if you glide your mouse along the title bar you will see that you can get your contacts (which I have just done) messages, photo's, notes & media (inc apps)

From the look of the program you can attach your iphone and send these straight to it but I did not need to do that.
I just hope that I can steer somebody in the right direction so that they do not waste as much time and comp space as I did trying to find a program that worked. This one did the job for me & I am now very happy to have all my previous contacts, notes and pics back.

Note to forum owners How do I close this thread now as I have searched through the help?

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