

I like camel crush. Camel lights and pall mall menthol light. Another is Marlboro special blend, yes i change what I smoke frequently
Which brand do you all prefer!?
I smoke DUNHILL international & Marlboro....

We started making our own, with Top cigarette tobacco it costs about $22 a carton. Initial investment for a Powermatic I manual injector $60.00 +\- at Amazon. Here in Arizona brand name smokes cost between $50 and $60 a carton. There are several brands of rolling tobacco, some are very good, much better than any manufactured cigarette. Top tobacco is a middle of the road brand but we do not live near a good tobacconist who deals in exotic brands, I have to go to basically a bong shop to purchase so I get that.
guys--let's keep on topic please.

Shame that the significant issue is the negative (Cancer) effect of smoking
Tobacco is completely hidden in the minds of the addicted smoker. I think that is part of the addiction.

The advantage of e-cigs is the the loss of the risk of the killer !
Shame that the significant issue is the negative (Cancer) effect of smoking
Tobacco is completely hidden in the minds of the addicted smoker. I think that is part of the addiction.

The advantage of e-cigs is the the loss of the risk of the killer !

I tried electric cigs they are good and they actually help in quitting smoke.
I tried electric cigs they are good and they actually help in quitting smoke.

I don't want to quit!!!
This isn't about i wanna quit help me, it is about i love it & don't u feel the same way!!?
I don't want to quit!!!
This isn't about i wanna quit help me, it is about i love it & don't u feel the same way!!?

I'm pretty sure every smoker loves it, but they would like to quit. Just to save the $5-$10 a day and improve their health.

I've been quit for 1 month now. Woohoo!

I've used V2 e-cigs to help me quit. They work pretty good and they're a lot cheaper than real tobacco. I know they're not really considered healthy, but they don't have any smoke, so there's 3 ingredients in the vapor vs the 5,000 in tobacco smoke.

I can breath a lot better and my stamina in the gym has almost doubled. Worth it...? Yes.

So yes. I went there. ;) lol.
Here's the starter kit I bought from V2:

It's usually on sale A LOT, so keep checking for a cheaper price. It's a lot upfront, but to me, the cost was worth it to move myself away from smoking tobacco.
And with this, This thread now is DEAD! :)
i personally feel very strongly about smoking and make no apologies for advocating quitting, this thread may have started about brands of cigarettes ect but it was bound to touch on the benefits of stopping.
Nothing is beneficial here!
Unlike most of the people i am young and recently started so am loving it and won't be quitting any time soon, or till i reach middle age like ya all...:p ( No Offense)

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